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pinkphoenix1985 November 14 2014, 08:36:04 UTC
I would totally go for the Sam/Cas ship more than the Dean/Cas ship ( ... )


ellie_234 November 14 2014, 13:55:23 UTC
The relationship is still on Dean's terms which is one of the reasons I went off the 'brothers relationship ' the amulet scene did not do much for me (too cynical I think) that it fell short of what it could of been. But then I have always thought the amulet represented a brothers relationship long gone , although Dean it seems was lost on what the 'symbol' of the amulet meant and clearly did not regret throwing the real one in the rubbish bin.

I do not think much has changed between the brothers or how the fandom sees things but the episode was harmless enough and I liked the girls cast .


pinkphoenix1985 November 14 2014, 16:00:18 UTC
I totally agree with you! I actually feel like this is the writers' way of telling those in the fandom who are annoyed about the amulet and Adam that they are aware of them but they should take a chill pill and move on.

And yeah the episode was harmless and the girl cast was good.


pocochina November 15 2014, 07:05:59 UTC
although Dean it seems was lost on what the 'symbol' of the amulet meant and clearly did not regret throwing the real one in the rubbish bin.

"It didn't change my opinion and so it was worthless! Nobody else in this relationship matters! Just MEEEEEEEE and what I think!!" What a douche.


pocochina November 15 2014, 07:04:06 UTC
I would totally go for the Sam/Cas ship


I still wish that the writers had the balls to actually address his cruelty towards Sam in a way that even the hardcore Deangirls couldn't dismiss so easily.I'm not sure that's possible, though? The hardcore Dean partisans and especially the "bibro" fans who cloak their grossness by giving lip service to how much they love the "real" Sam (obviously not this "OOC" Sam who is so wildly unreasonable as to express his distaste for being roofied) have proven time and again that they'll ignore everything they can and lie about anything they can't. I think it's unfair to expect them to do more than be thorough about the status quo and leave it for everyone who's willing to acknowledge what's happening - which is significantly more than the show was willing to do for the first half of its run ( ... )


pinkphoenix1985 November 16 2014, 10:32:23 UTC
I'm one step away from the "darkside" that is the Sam/Cas ship lol In actual fact, it is a very great ship because not a lot has been established in canon about it so freedom \o/

You do make a fantastic point and having just read a whole lot of angry comments on a review that wasn't all 'It was AWESOME! OMG!! BROTHERS TOGETHER!" (you get my point), and almost word for word was 'you just hate the show, stop watching!' I now see that it isn't possible but one can wish can't she?

And to repeat myself this is exactly why I love your reviews because not only do you view the show from a very interesting prespective but you aren't all with the Dean love and how wonderful he is.

I just wonder for how long the show can go on since some of the acting even from the boys is just so over the top and fake sometimes. They do still have the passion but how long will that last for?


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