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Comments 13

horatios October 7 2014, 18:50:12 UTC

12 and I are both at the place where this is ~our ~show so it's fantastic to see more people watching!

There’s no way of getting the audience around knowing how things end for Mary et al, and I feel like the supernatural elements kind of incorporate our subconscious expectations into the narrative into a way that works.

I couldn't agree more! This is why I think The Tudors struggled a little in its latter seasons. Like, the combined weight of historical inevitability + the way they constructed Henry VIII as the central character made it almost possible to predict every line with 100% certainty, tbqh. But Reign has dropped all pretences at historical accuracy and combining that with the ghost story makes it 100% fresssshhhh in my book.

Mary Stuart did (tragically, ruthlessly, or both) live a life where everything she touched died

It was both of those. But it was also the fact that she was a political flop IRL? LMAO.

But every once in a while Mary looks out the window and sees a witch-burning, and she ( ( ... )


pocochina October 7 2014, 19:38:59 UTC
I could never get into The Tudors. I always intend to at least skip around to Anne Boleyn, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. But yeah, I think it's also probably harder to do with Henry because the What Happened is so well known. Whereas with Mary, there's enough romanticized ~mystery about her that it's possible to have some suspense. Then again, I liked Wolf Hall a lot, so who knows.

It was both of those. But it was also the fact that she was a political flop IRL? LMAO.


ITA. ITA. ITA. It's a brilliant allusion! Though -- fun fact -- as far as I understand it more men were burned for witchcraft than women in Europe as a whole, though obviously in a lot of places the focus was on women. Scandinavia was big on male witches, though, as I understand it. Lulz.I don't know the statistics on specific methods of execution, but most of the accused were women? And if you look at the cultural forces I think the pagans are alluding to, like the Malleus Maleficarum and such, it's a feminized crime. So ( ... )


horatios October 8 2014, 23:34:40 UTC
Oh I loved The Tudors! Natalie Dormer KILLED it very early on as Anne Boleyn and I was really into the machinations of slimeball Wolsey in S1 as well. After that I was hooked, though I appreciate there were places when the show got zzzz, especially in S3. Also Henry VIII was so inherently dislikable but Might is Right, I guess, and it didn't affect the fandom too much.

Then again, I liked Wolf Hall a lot, so who knows.

SAME. I am :((( over the postponement over the last book. Like, it's the fucking climax, yo! The denouement! Stop keeping us hanging! I wanna see Crommy lose his head! D:


TROLOLOL. You may have a point there...

I don't know the statistics on specific methods of execution, but most of the accused were women?Oh the burning statistic -- I think (??!!) -- only holds true for burning at the stake as a result of a conviction for witchcraft. I did an essay on this two years ago, I really should remember, LMAO! But as far as I remember a lot of historians talk about how the Malleus ( ... )


pocochina October 9 2014, 01:40:06 UTC
I'm glad to hear The Tudors was satisfying! Maybe I'll give it a shot over the next big Everything Is On Hiatus Woe.

I don't want to give away anything but I think even you might soften on him towards the end of the season.

I hope so! He's definitely a charming creep, lol.

I can see her developing into a Catherine-esque ruler.

She probably would've lived a lot longer, lbr. As much as Mary's more beloved, by the characters (at the moment) and by history, Catherine is already older than Mary will ever be. So...maybe it is better to be feared after all.


kwritten October 7 2014, 19:07:22 UTC
It's too late in the night for me to have coherent thoughts, but this review makes me want to set fire to things with delight.

Carry on being a good job.


pocochina October 7 2014, 19:40:07 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

rosaxx50 October 7 2014, 23:44:13 UTC
I mean, to each their own but they are MISSING OUT. And IMO modernizing the wardrobe/music is essential to the very effect you describe, in conveying the story to us...it brings the characters closer to us in a way, if that makes sense.

I'm sure I read somewhere that Reign's costumes were originally designed for a sci-fi show where the pilot wasn't picked up, so they all got shunted onto Reign instead.


pocochina October 8 2014, 00:19:06 UTC
lol, fantastic!


pocochina October 7 2014, 23:57:43 UTC
Yes! I'm glad it's living up to expectations! I had high hopes because there's agreement from several corners of my various reading lists, but it's living up to them quite nicely.

"Is it a good idea for a king to spar with his usurper?" "You mean his inheritor." Ha ha ha I love it.

Henry is such a big baby, lol.

a lot of narratives, in trying to avoid Obvious Grossness, just end up endorsing Disguised Grossness in one way or another (SFC being a very common instance.)

ugh, right? IDK, I have such low expectations for the entertainment industry that trying at all is a bit of a relief. But it leads to the kind of grossness that is so much harder to challenge.

But yeah, this is just a show that works from a place of, I just feel like it likes women, and there's so much good that comes out of that so naturally.

it starts out with what looks like the usual, "She's not like other girls she is ~strong enough to ~challenge the man and thus command his respect" but then takes a left turn to get to the reality of the situation where she's ( ... )


heavenly44 October 9 2014, 09:09:20 UTC
I am so glad you are watching the show. Your insights are all very interesting. I was just curious to see what the CW would do with this show and have found myself continually interested and surprised. Yes, there are some um over the top storylines, but I like how they are handled.


pocochina October 9 2014, 19:16:39 UTC
I'm really glad I'm watching it too! Continually interested is exactly right. I'm having that great one-more-episode sucked in feeling.


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