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pocochina March 20 2014, 02:16:58 UTC
It's impossible to tell if his new found humanity is real or an act.

And even if some of it is sincere, that doesn't necessarily mean he's safe, you know? The thing that's made Crowley an occasionally manageable presence in their lives is that he's so frankly self-interested that they can occasionally guess what he's up to, you know? But once he becomes a little bit emotional and subjective, he gets a lot less predictable and more dangerous.

I think Sam may well be in great danger from Dean once he gets control of the First Blade. I have no problem believing that Dean will be able to convince himself that now, after Sam released and recaged Lucifer, now he needs to follow John's orders and kill Sam. Or at least to follow Cain's example and save Sam by killing him.

I have no problem believing Dean wouldn't even bother with that many steps of rationalization. It's not like he hasn't played fast and loose with Sam's life multiple times in the last couple of years even without the aggravating factor of the Mark.

The only issue I had with Sam wanting Dean to kill Crowley is timing. Killing Crowley would be like putting the crown on Abaddon and they don't know who is the biggest threat. Abaddon is dangerous, but in a different way than Crowley is.

True, but as much as it would be a strategically bad idea, I honestly don't think that Sam was thinking particularly rationally about Crowley this week, for a lot of reasons.


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