SPN 9x1-9 meta the first

Dec 08, 2013 15:51

I say "the first" because you all can probably count on a lot more pointedly-not-saying-I-told-you-so posts over the next five weeks.

since it was coming out in aggravatingly truncated little tumblr posts everywhere )

spn: sammay!, supernatural, spn: season 9, btvs/ats, spn: dean what even

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duckondebut December 10 2013, 17:14:47 UTC
because you all can probably count on a lot more pointedly-not-saying-I-told-you-so posts over the next five weeks.


Gadreel exists to show us the problems inherent to the SamnDean arrangement

Yes, yes, yes--a week later, I'm still unable to get over the brilliance of Gadreel. Also what makes him scary as fuck is that Gadreel is fully aware of Sam in a way that he knows how to perfectly replicate Sam's panic and betrayal and channel Sam's anger to punch Dean--and he STILL goes on. He channelled Dean to deliver that showy bluster to Sam in his dreamscape and trick him. Gadreel is in every way Dean's Ruby--except this time, the consequences are bigger and so much more worse.

That meta you linked about Sam "still stuck in the cage" really disturbs me, though? Sam's arc is one of the cleanest, loveliest that I've seen--and even if it has been frustratingly opaque at times, it's always been consistent. s6-and beyond Sam seems to me like a logical progression from what happened to him at the end of s5? Here's Sam, sacrificing himself at the ultimate altar of Family, and here's Sam, spending the next few seasons trying to scramble for the scraps of what he was. He came such a long way in s8 before getting back to hunting with Dean broke him down and drove him to another sacrifice. The deconstruction of this myth that the story of the Winchesters has always been about "~family first" has been such a delight to watch and I don't understand why one would want to disregard all of that? One loves Sam, yes? Is Sam not recovering from a series of inconceivably horrific things? Has he not been magnificent anyway, despite all of the things pitted against him, including his relationship with Dean?


pocochina December 10 2013, 22:24:33 UTC


Also what makes him scary as fuck is that Gadreel is fully aware of Sam in a way that he knows how to perfectly replicate Sam's panic and betrayal and channel Sam's anger to punch Dean--and he STILL goes on. He channelled Dean to deliver that showy bluster to Sam in his dreamscape and trick him.

YES. I think Gadreel has the same knack for unconscious behavioral adaptability as, well, Dean? but amped up to mega-super-angelic degrees, and then further magnified by thousands and thousands of years of isolation. I don't think Gadreel has any idea how good at this he is.

Gadreel is in every way Dean's Ruby--except this time, the consequences are bigger and so much more worse.


That meta you linked about Sam "still stuck in the cage" really disturbs me, though? Sam's arc is one of the cleanest, loveliest that I've seen--and even if it has been frustratingly opaque at times, it's always been consistent. s6-and beyond Sam seems to me like a logical progression from what happened to him at the end of s5?

THAAAAAAAAAAAAANK YOU. And like...I don't know what was up with that particular poster, I only gave that one post a cursory enough read to know that I wasn't mischaracterizing it and closed out of their blog, but usually when I see that "THE RITURRRZZZ just AREN'T BOTHERING with Sam!!" it's happening in a context that totally reflects Dean's grossness. Dean decides that Sam's not really his brother or even a person at all, so it's okay to beat Sam bloody, or dump Sam in a hole to die. Dean's fans decide that Sam - sorry, THE RITING for Sam - sucks so bad that Sam doesn't count as a character at all, so it's okay for them to get off on watching Dean abuse Sam the way he does. And the less wiggle room the show gives them - the CLEARER the authorial focus on the problem gets - the more they double down and insist the writing must suck because the discrepancy between canon and their fanon is more and more obvious by the episode. NO. Just suck it up and admit that your fanon is fanon.


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