TVD & The Originals

Nov 09, 2013 13:56

I think I'm just going to indefinitely revive the disclaimer that I put on my very first post about The Originals, which is that I understand these shows are Problematic (TM) and I am willing to stipulate that you win at Not Liking This Problematic Thing. Comments informing me of why I am wrong to like a show, storyline, or character will remain ( Read more... )

to/tvd: of gods and mikaelsons, the originals, to/tvd: elijah has my heart

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lynnenne November 9 2013, 23:23:39 UTC
I think I'm just going to indefinitely revive the disclaimer that I put on my very first post about The Originals, which is that I understand these shows are Problematic (TM) and I am willing to stipulate that you win at Not Liking This Problematic Thing.

ILU. I think this needs to be tattooed on my LJ.

They are totally enjoying sniping at each other in safety.

I loved this, tbh. I would watch them snipe at each other for 22 more episodes.

the mommy figure who will see him the way he wants to be seen (and conveniently can’t kill him)

BWAH. Those Mikaelson boys and their mommy issues. Totally agree with your Haley thoughts - she definitely has Elijah's number, and the ability to play him as successfully as Klaus and Katherine have before her.

and while he certainly deserves it, she’s set up to end up missing any signals that he’s not the only one who deserves it.

Ooooh, interesting. I hope she does learn that Kieran knew the truth about Sean and kept it a secret to "protect" her. That would make for an interesting family battle.

Humans also seem to have something on the witches and the vampires, that the vampires are willing to play along.

Maybe it's just because there are so many of them? When Kieran challenges Klaus, "unless you're planning to kill all of us," I don't think he means "the people in this room." I think he means all the power players in the city of New Orleans. Even an Original couldn't slaughter that many cops and community leaders and city councilors without being run out of town. Plus, humans are more willing to fight to the death because they know they're going to die someday, whereas the vampires fear death more than anything.

His scenery-chewing in that last scene at the church is fun to watch, but you get the sense that it’s even more fun for him to do - being able to put on a theatrical show of power is all the leverage he really has against Klaus, who is stronger, invulnerable, and uninhibited.

THIS. And Klaus is happy to let Elijah be the badass because it's tangible proof that Elijah will protect the family's (i.e. Klaus') interests. That smug smile on Klaus' face after the slaughter says it all - Klaus has Elijah right where he wants him.


pocochina November 10 2013, 01:14:27 UTC
I think this needs to be tattooed on my LJ.

1000% done.

I loved this, tbh. I would watch them snipe at each other for 22 more episodes.

ha, agreed, and I'm liking our odds of getting exactly that.

When Kieran challenges Klaus, "unless you're planning to kill all of us," I don't think he means "the people in this room." I think he means all the power players in the city of New Orleans. Even an Original couldn't slaughter that many cops and community leaders and city councilors without being run out of town.

Well, an Original couldn't, but Marcel and his well-oiled operation could have. Since Marcel was cooperating, I tend to think he had good reason.

Klaus is happy to let Elijah be the badass because it's tangible proof that Elijah will protect the family's (i.e. Klaus') interests. That smug smile on Klaus' face after the slaughter says it all - Klaus has Elijah right where he wants him.

Yes! If Elijah is on board on these terms, he's committed. And Klaus is so happy about it.


lynnenne November 10 2013, 02:11:40 UTC
Well, an Original couldn't, but Marcel and his well-oiled operation could have.

Possibly, but I think it's in the vampires' interest to cooperate with the humans, since people are their main food source. An all-out war would lead to heavy losses on both sides, and the vamps are vastly outnumbered. I don't know that it's a matter of the humans blackmailing the vamps; I think it's just as simple as the vamps paying off the humans in power. Pirates and corrupt politicians, as Klaus calls them.


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