season gr8 retrospective follow-up

Oct 08, 2013 01:13

I finished the rewatch just in time! Supernatural tomorrow! Originals tomorrow! I quite expect something terrible to happen to harsh my excitement.

I talked about this so much through my episode recaps that I don’t have as much to add as I thought I did; most of what I want to say pretty much boils down to crowing about how much righter I was/am ( Read more... )

spn: cas you so fly, spn: sammay!, supernatural, spn: corpus angelorum, spn: dean what even

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Comments 5

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pocochina October 8 2013, 14:57:21 UTC
<3 Like, I'm trying to celebrate it now because S8 was so awesome that am reflexively pessimistic as to whether S9 can live up to it? (That seems to be the pattern with SPN as it matures - great season, good-but-not outstanding follow-up, great season, good-but-not-outstanding follow-up.) But all the setup is there for something really special, so fingers crossed.


ever_neutral October 8 2013, 08:42:31 UTC
o m g +100 to your points about Dean. I have my moments of hating his guts but I think where last season left off he was more compelling/sympathetic to me than I dared to admit (until now, lol).

In related news, I will never understand tumblr's Dean standom. It's like the equivalent of venturing into a Men's Rights blog, no lie.

Also, yeah, I have zero deep thoughts about SPN at this point but I like the way you put words together.


pocochina October 8 2013, 15:13:29 UTC
I have my moments of hating his guts but I think where last season left off he was more compelling/sympathetic to me than I dared to admit (until now, lol).

I think that push-and-pull makes him a thousand times more effective than if he were just a dick, too. He is unnervingly, instinctively able to keep Sam and Cas destabilized with intermittent rewards of affection (which is real) and blackmail by convenient reveals of vulnerability (which is genuine) - and the character can still suck me into feeling all that right along with them, even though I totally have his number. That is so terrifying and awesome and real to me.

It's like the equivalent of venturing into a Men's Rights blog, no lie.OMG THANK YOU. And like...the more ostensibly progressive such people are, the less likely they seem to be to examine this reaction. And I know rationally that we live in a victim-blaming, Other-hating, might-makes-right society and that the conscious effort to shake off all that conditioning is exhausting, but....Jesus Christ, are this many ( ... )


cuddyclothes October 8 2013, 12:37:59 UTC
I've only read the bullet point list, but I agree with just about everything you said. Too early morning fuzzy to respond; will be back later.


pocochina October 8 2013, 15:19:32 UTC


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