I saw most of The Originals as well, but I had some connection weirdness, and from what I did see I did like it as much as I wanted to, so I want see the whole ep and pull my thoughts together a bit more.
At Whitmore:
- This was some pitch-perfect first week of college stuff! Elena literally skipping away from her old life was certainly related to the shittiness of that old life and the joy of having Jeremy back, but it was also something that was sweet and relatable and almost certainly ~portends ill. Caroline was the standard-issue shitty starter roommate who throws an invasive fit when she didn’t get exactly the living situation she wanted - she’s leaving her life that probably felt safer in the past few months than it has in a long time, she can’t control when or even if Tyler does exactly what she has decided they both want to do, and so when she senses an inadvertent interloper she swoops in on the girl in splendidly hypocritical fashion. “We have to go through her fridge to make sure she won’t go through our things! We have to roofie her because she might be a danger to us!” lol, that shit was real. I thought it was contextualized sympathetically but clearly Dude Not Cool.
- Most viscerally, though, Megan’s scream for help from the fraternity house chilled my blood. I don’t think it was used lightly or unfairly, you know? Yes, sometimes young women go to parties and are preyed upon; no, it doesn’t even merit comment that she was socializing with new people; yes, you should absolutely assume that it means the environment is not safe for you either even if you might be physically or socially more able to protect yourself. Pretending that shit doesn’t happen, or making a big victim-blaming/othering spectacle of it, doesn’t do a bit of good.
In Mystic Falls:
- As anticipated, Paul Wesley was chilling and charismatic as Silas. He feeds on human life in a meta-way, forcing people to surrender not just their blood but their community, consciousness, and self-preservation.
- Noticed and loved how Elena dealt with the house fire by telling Jeremy to take the fall. Not compelled, not even convinced, just informed him that he was going to tell everyone it was his fault because he’s a druggie, and she has Jeremy wrapped so tight around her little finger that he just goes with it. ELENA IS THE BEST SISTER EVER SHE LOVES HIM SO MUCH SHE JUST WANTS TO PROTECT HIM, said people who enjoy being laughed at.
- Seeing Damon actually try, and then just fail everyone around him, was kind of great? He offers Kat his blood but she’s afraid to take it. He’s paying enough attention to know something is off with Stefan, but Jeremy has to tell him what’s the what. He tries to protect Kat from Silas, which almost gets Jeremy killed (by Katherine, AGAIN, no less).
In Prague:
- Blah blah possessed Matt, wah wah thematic tie-in of imposters and mistaken identities, the important thing about Prague is that Rebekah likes to kiss girls who are pretty and dark-haired and powerful like Sophie. We can work with this, ducklets.
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