oh, I am SO here for goddess-worshipping vampires.

Aug 11, 2013 13:43

I didn’t really put my finger on an overarching theme of S4, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit. The possession motif occurred frequently enough that it felt like it held the season together for me. Nelson Ellis played what, three characters this season? And they were all great. He and Tatiana Maslany should hang out and talk about being awesome ( Read more... )

true blood

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angearia August 12 2013, 15:57:22 UTC
I find Eric fascinating exactly for the way he walks the line of respect/abuse. I think it all comes back to his mostly not viewing others as ~real~ people. That's his default. But once they demonstrate themselves to be autonomous, he becomes very respectful of their boundaries and their rights.

Eric's character development continues in Season 6 and continues in this vein, too.

I think that word "articulate" is very key. As if he requires evidence of that a person is self-aware and what's more, brave enough to voice their right to autonomy to him, stoic-faced, violent 1000 year old Viking vampire. He walks this line between chivalry with a very select few and total cold-blooded and purposeful brutality.

Another aspect of Eric I find interesting is how he restrained he appears as a default, very watchful, analyzing the situation. When he unleashes violence, it's not generally based upon his own need to overcompensate or bolster himself. His motivations are either political or to safeguard his family.

ANYWAYS yeah I'm on an Eric tangent today because Season 6 has been really fascinating in regards to him and last night's episode was a stunner.

Hurry and catch-up! ;-)


pocochina August 13 2013, 00:23:29 UTC
As if he requires evidence of that a person is self-aware and what's more, brave enough to voice their right to autonomy to him, stoic-faced, violent 1000 year old Viking vampire. He walks this line between chivalry with a very select few and total cold-blooded and purposeful brutality.

Yeah, exactly. His morality isn't really about morality, in the sense that I think of it: morality, to me, is about prevention of the strong preying on the weak, while Eric's code of behavior prioritizes codifying and consolidating the privileges of the strong. The fact that he's so capable of behaving well actually makes him more reprehensible to me than the Pam-type vampires who don't give a shit, but it is very interesting to me.

Hurry and catch-up! ;-)



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