Lost S4

Jul 15, 2013 00:06

So I liked it, largely on the principle of WHY THE FUCK NOT? That said, I don't...feel the theme so clearly as I did in S3? It felt a little writer's strikey, was this that year? That's not to say I didn't enjoy the season, because I very much did, it was just more about structure and the idea of possibilities, more so than what is happening in the moment.

I guess if you wanted to reach you could say it is that, about the difficulty of staying in the present moment. I didn't find it too difficult to believe the survivors would start to resist most rescue attempts. It makes sense because people work hard to protect themselves from false hope, and IMO as a metaphor for the way people are so much less curious about the world around us, so resistant to change and even unable to get ourselves to believe that it is possible, that we don't do well with having things shaken up.

And that's what's happening in the flash forwards. I don't know if this is like, a hypothetical future or the actual future or what? But it's kind of cool, because neither do they. And, you know, I'm down with the zaniness being the point, but I'd argue there was some pretty poignant psychological resonance there? With the way people keep reacting to huge traumas for a long time after they're over; that they can keep second-guessing themselves and have a hard time reestablishing the lives they had Before. But once an experiences is over, it's actually gone and you can't get it back, as they see when they watch the island disappear.

That said, it is a very believable future for the respective characters. Satisfying to see Sun get to take some control without being entirely closed off to her losses or without a lot of anger about the whole thing. Kate had little real identity before, and so her hallucinations take the form of Claire, suggesting she thinks on some level that she's an imposter in her happy life and not Aaron's "real" mother. Jack, otoh, is trying to return to the island in large part because his demons so clearly came from before,and so when he starts to feel happy in his father/uncle role he starts to hallucinate his father. Hurley, so sensitive to the whole thing, starts seeing Charlie; Sayid the realist only sees the terrors that really are there.

I actually had guessed that the dead guy was Locke, BOOM.
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