my collected wit and wisdom, or something!

Apr 27, 2013 11:14

I realized last night that while I've mostly stuck to my designation of Tumblr as being for bookmarking and sassy tagging of graphics while journaling is for thoughts. But sometimes those posts turn into short but substantive discussions, and I'd rather have them here.

one about why I hate the concept and the other about the Dove campaign

"It’s the ( Read more... )

spn: i love luci, feminism, btvs/ats, bsg: gaius frakking baltar, supernatural, spn: sammay!, bsg, bsg: laura roslin is my favorite, btvs/ats: angel's hair sticks straight u, body positivity

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pocochina April 27 2013, 19:36:00 UTC

(The comment has been removed)

pocochina April 27 2013, 21:08:43 UTC
Well there's more where that came from!

(Sam's a big hugger! Much more so than my other avatar characters. So I'm all stocked up on Show The Love With Sammy gifs.)


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