TVD - Down the Rabbit Hole

Feb 16, 2013 11:01

I haven't really absorbed either Tyler or Jeremy right now, so maybe I'm being cavalier, but honestly: even this show does not get rid of two regulars in one mid-season episode.

If this is the end of Tyler's arc, I'm fine with that. Getting away from an abuser with your life is a win. That said, when has anyone left Mystic Falls for good? The Originals had every reason to burn down and salt the ground a thousand years ago and they're still back. The only way someone leaves this show for good is with a dramatic death scene.

I wasn't as affected by Caroline/Tyler this episode? It's just really hard for me to sympathize with both people in a conversation when one of them is all "I don't want to break up" and the other one is all "I don't want to GET BRUTALLY MURDERED" and Person 1 keeps arguing like their point is just as important? Caroline just DOES NOT GET IT, even after everything. Tyler knows Klaus, he knows exactly how it's going to go down. Caroline won't buy it until Klaus mercilessly rubs her nose in it, because ultimately even she doesn't really give Tyler the credibility he deserves. I still loved her though - that once she gets it through her head how things are going to be, she genuinely wants him to be happy and safe.

This episode did a fantastic job with Klaus. His taunting and snarking and showing off his knowledge was exactly how I imagine Klaus would react to a couple of days without anything to do. He's always looking for an opening to push himself as deeply into the center of things as possible; he's desperately trying to dig himself into Caroline's and Rebekah's good graces while still showing off how bad he can be.

Mostly, though, the way he talked about Tyler. The Originals learned early and hard that life in the state of nature is nasty, brutish, and short, and then they got shoved up to the top of the food chain. Klaus in particular, for a lot of reasons, learned that the ability to show force is as important as the ability to make good use of force, and he's climbed so high as the Big Bad Wolf that he knows he won't survive being knocked down. I don't even think he's entirely rationalizing when he says he "has" to kill Tyler to protect his reputation. Because once word gets out on the supernatural grapevine that not only are the Originals mortal after all but he's letting people get away with fucking with him, then he's (at least in his mind, and quite possibly actually) just boned.

I totally bought Bonnie and Jer this season! I think the show's made really good use of their S2 history. Bonnie's falling-out with the spirits started out with her saving Jeremy's life. And so Jeremy's life HAS to be worth everything she's been through since then, and the eventual loss of her power and dependence on Shane. And her going from being the most powerful she's ever been to laying on the ground watching him die is fucking brutal.

I'm not saying as much about Jeremy as I feel like I should be? Mostly because I just don't buy it, at least, not yet. I mean, I get it, Elena's shadow self kills the link to her humanity as she admits to herself as she doesn't want to be human anymore. I just don't think he's going to stay dead, any more than Katherine died after Mikael drained her on their little road trip last season. I was impressed with him, though! Kid held his own against a lifelong vampire hunter.

Tumblr doesn't seem as excited about this as I am, but Elena leaping off the cliff was badass. Still cackling at the moment where Rebekah says Damon is acting decent and he makes that "UGH, GROSS" face at her. LOL.

Anyway, THOUGHT: What if curing any vampire works like killing an Original, and it turns their whole sire line human? Like, if they cure Klaus they cure everyone; if they cure Damon, they also cure Caroline and Elena and whoever else?

So there is a lot about the Silas legend that (almost certainly deliberately) doesn't pass the sniff test.
  • Someone had to dessicate and entomb him, right? So if they wanted him dead, and could get him vulnerable, why not cure him and kill him? Why bury leave the cure in his hands, instead of resting at his feet?
  • If there was just the one dose, how does anyone even know what it really does?
  • And what happened in the thousand years between Silas, who apparently is some sort of proto-vampire, and Esther's spell that created the not-so-Originals? And how did the Aramaic code of the hunter's mark make it onto the brothers who were turned in the 1100's?

Anyway, if Silas really is a vampire, he just won himself a hunter's curse, so that ought to be interesting.

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to/tvd: who's afraid of the big bad wolf, tvd: jeremy gilbert will also cut a bitc, tvd, episode review

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