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pocochina January 31 2013, 01:52:20 UTC
that is exactly how the fandom is reading things, most love Benny and hate Amelia. Benny has a heart of gold and Amelia is just cold. It's kind of sad, really.

Yeah. There also seems to be a lot of internalized sexism at play as well, unfortunately.

(when people thought the Road House was impractical)

That's bullshit, unless people were also going off on the "impracticality" of Bobby having a home. Christ on a pile of nachos, are women actually just supposed to rove the streets of this 'verse waiting to be poached off by some monster?

If Amelia set off like Charlie, I'm not sure that would help her be with Sam anymore than her being in one place.

I kind of want Amelia to run off with Charlie just to watch fandom's head explode. Our Token Acceptable Woman lowering herself to That Bitch Who Can't Possibly Be Real.

When Sam was nearly dying he still helped save a fellow patient's life. Sam does care about people and doing the right thing. But Sam also wonders about what the right thing for him is, and that should be allowed, too.

Yeah. I mean, the fact that Sam does care about others is pretty clear, and he's completely entitled to figure out how to live his own life. Self-care is important! Self-care is A Thing that real people who do difficult work to make the world a better place discuss a lot, because it is hard to figure out. All-or-nothing is a big part of why hunters burn out like they do, and they take other people down with them.

I wonder if it's because Dean killed Amy that he is so terrified of Sam doing the same to Benny. After all, it's what Dean would do to Sam, and already did.

BAM. By the standard Dean applies to people who care about Sam, it would've been RIGHT for Sam to have Martin whack Benny even before the bodies started dropping, because it's only a matter of time before a monster starts killing again, and FAMILY DOES THE DIRTY WORK.

I mean, it's entirely character-consistent. It's just not logically consistent on any grounds other than nobody gets to be in Sam's life but Dean.


nekosammy February 2 2013, 03:05:03 UTC
All season long, I've wanted a sustained scene with Sam and Amelia that gave us more of their personal interaction, and we didn't get much of anything sustained until the last 3 episodes. Benny is all but guaranteed a big woobie woe is me I'm such a poor vampire send off, if indeed it is even a send off. But Amelia got exactly one moment in real time, and it was her last episode in Sam's story. So not equal or fair. If Benny was there for world building, all I saw in Purgatory was trees, so...... to be fair, Amelia needed to world build Normal for Sam in the same way. Now, few care much if Sam leaves Normal, Safe, and Amelia behind....

We all know Sam and Dean have to come together and Hunt, that's not in question, but if they were on separate journeys, they should have been equal journeys.

People will say that Dean has the rule he only kills monsters who kill, and Amy killed, so that's why he had to kill her when Sam didn't. So of course, if Dean or his fanbase can rationalize that Benny hasn't killed, then Benny is untouchable and Sam is wrong to jump to conclusions about Benny. Or, by sending Martin out, Martin holding a knife to Elizabeth's throat and *making Benny kill him* is all Sam's Fault. So, if Benny kills anyone in the general human population, it'll be because of Sam going behind Dean's back with Martin, not because Dean didn't take care of Benny topside when he had the chance.

The thing is, Sam and Dean let big fry monsters who kill off the hook quite a bit (the witch couple soon after Dean killed Amy, for example, Castiel, the he-witch in S.5). Generally, if there is something where an understanding is reached, Sam and Dean have let even those who've killed off. Sam reached an understanding with Amy, and he elected to show her mercy. Dean rejected Sam's Mercy and pretty much killed Amy out of a fit of hunter pique or something. I can't remember if Sam told Dean ALL about Amy (first kiss and all), but Dean knew enough that Sam related to her and she gave him hope for himself. So, what did Dean do with that information? Amy could have passed on to her son a life style that didn't involve killing people and now that legacy is gone and the kid is probably angry and resentful of hunters in the bargain. The thing is, one year later, and Dean is so desperate to protect Benny from Sam that he pulls all this crap on Sam to protect a monster 'brother' from his own flesh and blood brother. So, Dean, you really suck at being a real brother a lot of the time.

I became obsessed with Magic Impala Speeds in S.6, when the car took Dean and Bobby to Crowley's Lair a couple of states over from South Dakota pretty darn fast. Then, even more magically, a clearly damaged Sam wakes up from his coma and must have comandeered a car from Bobby's lot to get to the same place, the same night! How was Sam even okay to drive, let alone drive super fast? I still haven't gotten over the super fast interstate travel that is clearly going on now. Hee hee.


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