Dysfunctional Shipping Awareness Month, Days 6&7

Aug 06, 2012 11:40

Have y'all missed my stabby pointer finger? I know I have! Adama-grade temper tantrum about some extremely disturbing topics below the cut.

the ship the writers and fans are DOING IT WRONG (BSG) )

bsg: frakkin' toasters!, bsg, losing friends & alienating people, dysfunctional shipping awareness, sexual assault, rant

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Re: they don't have a plan and they aren't a they pocochina August 7 2012, 03:23:22 UTC
See, this is where I love the Cylons as a fictional concept and can't even with them philosophically. I loved Caprica, which was all about "the cylons are all self-justifying solipsistic teenagers with chips on their shoulder, designed by a self-justifying solipsistic teenager with a chip on her shoulder." I can totally get behind and even enjoy that the whole apocalypse was just a massive temper tantrum. But I think the narrative expects me to actually sympathize with their human-hate and give the whining philosophical weight, and that's where I get stuck. Where "stuck" = "hissing spitting furious."

by contrast, I adore D'Anna, because she is such an intellectually honest true believer who totally owns and believes in what she does. KILLED Y'ALL! LOL, U MAD? I can engage with that so much more easily than the endless blather about "we took it upon ourselves to bomb fifty million civilians to shit because they totally had it coming, is why. so there." (see: all of the Athena-Bill conversations in S2.)

In self-defense, humanity has good reason to eliminate the Cylon species before it completes its extermination of humanity. Even if they're at peace now, how can you trust an enemy who attacked without warning and still can't give a human-comprehensibe reason why? Tomorrow it might be raining on Kobol and the Cylons might go back to extermination mode. When you don't know why, you don't know why not.

ugh, YES. After years of chasing and attacks, they'd made their "you or us" message completely clear. Which I can still totally enjoy as compelling storytelling, as long as I'm not distracted by a parade of false equivocations.


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