ASIAN STEREOTYPES WOW. I can't help it though, I love that he can't write the college admissions essay, I think that's hard for a lot of people who are achievers. And the way the hyper-dramatic supercrip essay gets sent up. I do love that we hear his mother's not horrible. I like that Kevin was allowed to be a scared kid about it all. Disagreed with the jossing of my personal Chuck theory, which is that the prophets are the line of vessels for Metatron.
AWWWW, how much did I love seeing the wonder triplets back together?! Even if it was followed up with a brutal reminder of Castiel's alienation from the other angels - because of the Winchesters, especially Dean. Pfft, I love how the Winchesters would rather fight flesh-eating zombies than deal with a group hug. Is this a dude thing? or a WASP thing?
Sam still gets so afraid he's being left out and just lights up when he gets included! AWWWW, BABY. Also, he knows enough to crack psych drug jokes. That scene between him and Cas just squeezed my heart. Not least because it had my favorite line of the episode - "You seem troubled. Of course, that's a primary aspect of your personality, so I sometimes ignore it." OH CAS. OH SAM. But for all the world is in peril? Sam is first and foremost worried about Cas. He assumes that Cas is as miserable as he was and trying to lock it all away as hard as he did, and he seems to feel responsible for the Lucifer-issues he assumes Castiel had.
As opposed to DEAN, who is still trying to make me crazy. DON'T YOU YELL AT HIM. I love how Dean's interpersonal problem-solving skills now fully consist of "I will raise my voice! And, DONE."
Especially when it's the exact wrong thing to do. "I don't like conflict." AWWWWW. As entertaining as laid-back Castiel is, I feel like he's zooming toward the sweet but aimless 2014-Cas (who's still always ready to bleed for the Winchesters). I really want Castiel to stand up for himself at some point and figure out that whatever he did screw up, his plan did work? He did get rid of Raphael and at least buy some time before the archangel-apocalypse. That's not nothing. He might've been stupid with some of the weapons he gained in the process, but it's not nothing.
I love Meg! I mean, I love everyone who gets in their faces, just on principle. But I really love Meg. The guys are all "let's share and care and talk about our childhood trust issues" and Meg is like "excuse me, I have to go cut a bitch." Not that I really believe her talk about external purpose, I think she's at least mostly out for herself. She might relate so easily to Cas because he's found that purpose in himself, if only temporarily.