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dante_kent May 6 2012, 11:03:14 UTC
I adored Klaus ripping the Gilbert home apart and throwing around his flaming posts in a temper tantrum. Hilarious as a viewer, but it's all about reminding us what a force for malevolent chaos he can be.

So much yes. First of all, LOL FOREVER. But also, Klaus, you are a terror, and a determined little brat too. You know he would have gotten in eventually.

good for Bonnie for knowing that but still dealing enough to help save Caroline and put down Ric.

This is the best part of the Abby/Bonnie storyline. Bonnie is not glossing over her issues with her mother. But she's rising above them as much as she can, because Bonnie will always prioritize her friends over her own emotional well-being.

Both of them, I think, weren't quite sure what power Klaus still had over them at the beginning of the episode, and it was only when push came to shove and they were forced into crisis decision-making that they got their bearings to act the way they wanted to act.

Ooooh, I really like this.

TVD's general secularism and amorality is generally a huge asset, and I wouldn't change that, but I adore that the show's one proscriptive moral stance is that abusive father figures are not to be excused or apologized for, even after they get theirs.


She's being honest that she's prioritizing a small pack goal over a large one, but she acknowledges what she's doing.

I loved her for it. She understands what she's doing, and she has decided she is ok with the costs.

I was totally into the shot of him walking through the sunlight and calmly accepting that he's being scorched by it. He's one of the monsters now, but he'll take his beating to show that he's the better monster.

This was the best. The music was fucking awesome. And I love the idea that he willingly takes the pain because he is a monster too, and he has something to prove now.

I also loved how this episode underlined Elena's inner hard edge, without that self-destruct wish she had back at the end of S2.

Yes, this. She's growing and evolving - taking the badass parts and leaving the teenage suicide parts behind.

I am ready for this triangle to settle. Of course it won't be over until the bitter end, but I'm looking forward to a bit of a rest come next season.


pocochina May 6 2012, 16:40:42 UTC
You know he would have gotten in eventually.

That, or burned it to the ground, with or without the Salvatores in it. And would probably tell Jeremy how he did them a FAVOR because now they don't have to go through the crap in their attic.

This is the best part of the Abby/Bonnie storyline. Bonnie is not glossing over her issues with her mother. But she's rising above them as much as she can, because Bonnie will always prioritize her friends over her own emotional well-being.

Yeah. I just really love Bonnie for understanding that her hurt feelings are not more important than other people's lives.


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