ink is always sexy (spn 7x20 thoughts)

Apr 30, 2012 21:24

So I'm admitting defeat on turning this into a real post, but. HAVE SOME JOY. And willful and intentional abuse of parentheticals! But mostly joy!

the girl with the dungeons and dragons tattoo )

spn: sammay!, supernatural, the dollhouse is real, can we say "socialist" yet?, feminism

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angearia December 6 2012, 18:17:00 UTC
Wow, not having to be constantly distancing myself from misogyny makes me realize just how much happiness I can get from this show. CLEARLY WE CAN HAVE NICE THINGS.HAI. So I just watched this episode and I've been rolling my way through Season 7 the past few days. And true story, I have this issue with sleeping where I tend to wake up a lot (not quite sleep apnea but...). And strangely, having music playing or the TV running on low volume helps me rest. So I got up through 7.16, then fell asleep last night. And as I was starting to wake up this morning, which is my reading day for finals, I really didn't want to wake up, so I was half-asleep, half-awake listening to SPN episodes I hadn't watched yet. Mostly, I saw that Garth was on and I dunno he's not my favorite so I didn't really care ( ... )


pocochina December 6 2012, 19:29:56 UTC
Yeah, S7 is pretty hit-or-miss. I'd recommend going back and giving 7x17 a watch, and the episodes after this one are fun.

Then Felicia Day arrived dancing to "Walking On Sunshine" in an elevator with GLASS around it. She's risking exposure even under the guise of concealment. PERFECT hacker behavior. Can't catch me, can't catch me. And I sat up and was like "okay, awake now, WANNA WATCH."

YES! <33

It's like, I'm all LET ME LOVE YOU show, and it's slapping me in the face. Blargh.

Yeah. I honestly feel a little guilty about being able to enjoy this show sometimes? I know I shouldn't, but it's that bad.

I have this issue with sleeping where I tend to wake up a lot (not quite sleep apnea but...). And strangely, having music playing or the TV running on low volume helps me rest.I hear you. I can't relax enough to fall asleep if I'm in silence. I think it's because if I am semi-conscious with nothing for my brain to latch onto, I swing right into an anxiety spiral and it wakes me up completely. If I'm hearing something mildly familiar ( ... )


angearia December 6 2012, 19:49:49 UTC
Yeah, I'm enjoying the build-up to the finale :)

See, the show puts us in this awkward position. I'm a bit jealous of you for being able to just dive in and enjoy what you enjoy. Whereas I totally understand feeling a little guilty about being able to enjoy it, too. BE BETTER, SHOW. basically.

Also yes yes yes that's exactly it. It's like the sound helps me think I'm still dreaming. When I wake up in the middle of the night, if there's silence, then it's like my brain starts cycling through all these anxious thoughts as I try to figure out "where am i? what is real what is a dream?" and it's just almost like a panic attack. But the outside stimulus is soothing for me.


pocochina December 6 2012, 23:00:06 UTC
Yeah. Sam ~speaks to me in the way I think Buffy does for you? And so I obviously get enough out of the show that it's worth the effort to set it all aside. But I would really prefer not to jump through all those psychological hoops to get to the stuff I like. Just because I apparently fail at Being A Good Woman cognitively and emotionally doesn't mean I don't like, admire, and connect to other women, and I definitely don't want to see them all eliminated and punished. And I feel like that's what the narrative seems to expect? If you can care about boys at all, it is because YOU ADMIT WOMEN ARE TOXIC, HA!

ugh, misandry 4 lyf.


angearia December 7 2012, 00:50:25 UTC
Sam ~speaks to me in the way I think Buffy does for you? And so I obviously get enough out of the show that it's worth the effort to set it all aside.That totally makes sense. I seem to make a habit of insta-bonding with fictional ladies, alas ( ... )


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