ink is always sexy (spn 7x20 thoughts)

Apr 30, 2012 21:24

So I'm admitting defeat on turning this into a real post, but. HAVE SOME JOY. And willful and intentional abuse of parentheticals! But mostly joy!

the girl with the dungeons and dragons tattoo )

spn: sammay!, supernatural, the dollhouse is real, can we say "socialist" yet?, feminism

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pocochina May 1 2012, 03:39:19 UTC
I love her so much though! And I think she was really well-used from a writing perspective, to bring us back into the big leviathan arc without losing the lightweight fun that's been such a big part of this season.

So smart and spunky and quirky and cute and FUCKING BRAVE.

OH SO BRAVE. Brave enough that she didn't need to freaking fake it and strut, especially. She got scared, she let herself get scared, she worked through it (with help if she needed help, without being embarrassed about it) and she got shit done.

And in a way I felt a bit played, because you know the writers were all like, "Let's make up for all the sexist shit we've pulled. Let's give a little shoutout to the fangirls."

I sigh with you! One episode of flawless if stunt-casted character does not even the scales on dozens of fridgings and hundreds of thousands (totally scientific measurement) of slurs. But! It was just so fail-free, when every other attempt to fix the lady issue has felt so half-assed, to the point where I think somebody has to be hearing some of the concerns. Maybe not committing to fixing them long-term, but actually hearing is at least a step up.


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