I had a lot of thoughts flooding around about this episode, but I'm kind of overwhelmed by the idea of trying to be coherent about it. (I know flu-brain is probably the least catastrophic thing in the world, but seriously, I can't even sit up straight to type this out.)
so, blah blah blah )
Esther taps into such an ugly history there, of white women assuming that some level of shared self-interest with their "sisters" means that WOC will just gratefully fall into line. It's so on the nose, and the performance is so deliberately condescending and manipulative and egocentric, I kind of think it's on purpose? And it's complicated.
My feelings exactly. I kind of can't believe the writers are that fucking dumb? So I'm gonna go with the alternative theory.
after she completely earnestly tried to broker an alliance by throwing down with "you killed my husband, OF COURSE I LIKE YOU."
LMFAO! I totally missed that lulz.
And I don't know if that last scene made it better or worse. Is that the show implying that Caroline should be speaking for Bonnie?
Yeah, my worry too. I'm guessing that what Caroline was saying on the porch were… things Bonnie talked about with her just prior to that scene? Hmph. We should have gotten THAT scene.
You know how I feel about Elena. ;) Flawless character work. Her outrageous self-centredness re: Rebekah was a thing of wonder. /pets Elena
I worry a little he's going to bump up on Manliest Pain territory, ("a thousand years of ripping out hearts and treating little girls like cherry Slushies, WOE IS ME,") but it wasn't just that he recognized how wrong he's been all this time, but he also appropriately articulated why, so I hold out a little hope.
Yes, this. I guess I figured Elijah's been secretly emo all this time? heh.
lol, yes to your reaction to Ric getting shot. popcorn.gif.
You know how I feel about Elena. ;) Flawless character work. Her outrageous self-centredness re: Rebekah was a thing of wonder. /pets Elena
Yessssssssssss! That was awesome.
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