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nomorefrostbite January 22 2012, 02:05:34 UTC
You're sooooooooo behind on Downton, bb!!

-Ugh Bates gross dnw with his pointlessness.
-VIOLET <3333333333333
-Ethel = does not stay in any way cool, as characters tend not to sometimes.
-Richard = I started off being a die hard Richard/Mary shipper, and loovveeddddd Richard so hard for precisely the reasons you outlined. I was never one of the mass Mary/Matthew shippers, and their relationship at the beginning gave me hope, until his character gets thrown under the bus for the sake of the insanely popular Matthew/Mary. Basically, the entirety of Britain ships them. Julian Fellowes does not want to face a lynch mob.
-Julian Fellowes doesn't think he's 'showing a world better than our own', but one that holds a certain defined state of nostalgia for a lot of British people, and one that although yes was all WAR OMG WAR and class struggles and women's suffrage and all that fast and hard change, was one that was much more clear cut than the troubled times we live in now.
People like simpler, basically, and people like nostalgia.
He's definitely a die hard monarchist though, which tbf a lot of people are. When you look at how fucked up and corrupt even supposedly democratic 'first world' governments are, I imagine there is great appeal in looking at the Queen, the Princes, and Kate, and feeling at least THERE is some sense of decency and straightforwardness.

Again, something people want to cling to - whether right or wrong is not for me to judge - when everything else is crumbling down around their heads!



pocochina January 22 2012, 03:19:40 UTC
I AM SO BEHIND! But it's technically airing in the US now and PBS is doing the right thing and releasing the episodes on ad-sponsored free streaming after they air, rather than just pretending the internet doesn't exist and then bitching and whining when they turn out to be wrong. I'm really pissed and frightened by the whole SOPA thing, even though it's gone for now, so I like to support when programs are smart about new media.

THOMAS! VIOLET! O'BRIEN! They're all character types who never get to be this three-dimensional, so I am really loving them.

Yeah, I am afraid Richard has "sacrificed for the OTP" stamped all over him, when he is excellent right now, for her and in general! Process of elimination shipping: NEVER GOOD STORYTELLING.

He's definitely a die hard monarchist though, which tbf a lot of people are. When you look at how fucked up and corrupt even supposedly democratic 'first world' governments are, I imagine there is great appeal in looking at the Queen, the Princes, and Kate, and feeling at least THERE is some sense of decency and straightforwardness.

Again, something people want to cling to - whether right or wrong is not for me to judge - when everything else is crumbling down around their heads!

See, that actually does not sound unreasonable to me? though I acknowledge my understanding of the whole social issue is limited. But for Fellowes specifically to be directly asked about hereditary social hierarchy and go straight to "FAIRNESS" tells me there are some WEIRD, WEIRD thought processes there, if that makes sense.


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