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Comments 18

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pocochina January 13 2012, 07:07:26 UTC
WHAT UP. It's a really fun show, I'm so glad you're enjoying it! And yeah, that was the first episode I watched, I think? and it totally got me too. (Actually, Damon had me with "I'm at the Sizzler." BWAHAHAHA.) ANYWAY, YAY.

... )


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pocochina January 13 2012, 07:27:06 UTC
Er, you mean VD.

AHAHA, RIGHT? I watched the first two seasons in a month? possibly less? It reels you right in. It's *so* good. I got a heads-up to start with Katherine's first episode, so I was hooked right away, but now having watched those first few episodes....HAHAHA, THAT FUCKING CROW.


goldenusagi January 13 2012, 08:34:16 UTC
in true fantasy villain fashion, Klaus created his own most dangerous adversary

An excellent way of putting it. I'm really digging Stefan in this episode. When Damon says his brother is a wild card, you'd better believe it. Stefan was ready to do anything to be the better villain. But of course Damon is there to clean up the mess. And yeah, Damon is just a bit annoyed with Klaus swooping into town the way Damon himself did in S1, lol.


pocochina January 13 2012, 16:19:39 UTC
I know, I'm so into Stefan during this arc! As a kind of first-look emotional viewer he's keeping me guessing at what's motivating him; then I think about it and he's on this journey of grasping in the dark for why he's on this collision course. It's fascinating.


ever_neutral January 13 2012, 09:30:39 UTC
The fact that it's Stefan who forces her to the bridge is what brings it home that no, it's not merely the vampire nonsense that's getting to her, it's also life itself, and she's embracing it.

MMMMMM so good. I just cannot believe how closely the writers are following ~my plans~ for Elena's arc, lmao.

OTC-ing is stressful!

IT IS IT IS. Though, I have to admit that my main priority now is Elena's development. Damon could spend the rest of the season cooking chilli for all I care. NO OFFENSE DAMON BB ILU BUT. I like it just fine when it is not All About You, ngl.

I do not use the other r-word. TO HELL WITH SHCMESCHMEPTION.

PREACH. (lol, and I love "redemption" arcs? But that's just shorthand for "character development" tbh.)

Stefan can't help but think in competitive and normative terms - the "better" "villain." … Damon looks at things from a more utilitarian perspective - you don't have to be villainous at all to be smarter than the villain.I want to draw hearts around this insight. And also laugh uproariously at how Damon ( ... )


pocochina January 13 2012, 16:30:13 UTC
PREACH. (lol, and I love "redemption" arcs? But that's just shorthand for "character development" tbh.)

I love those stories too! I just have mad post-Catholic issues with that particular terminology.

Damon Salvatore has become the voice of reason in this town. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE UNIVERSE.

I KNOW RIGHT? And he's so un-self-aware about it! He just knows that Stefan is gone off the deep end, so he has to counterbalance that, and then Klaus is chaotic and Klaus is the enemy, so Damon will be thoughtful.

I cannot with this show and its treatment of POC anymore. I CAN'T. CALM ME DOWN.

SIGH. It's especially irritating because that was so the least significant death? Like, Dr whatsisface is a big plot point, and then the hybrid Damon killed was in the middle of their conflict. So to have a WOC there *just to be killed off for show* is so fucked up.

IDK because this is pretty ugly. I am hoping we will need more witches soon and that might force things to improve a bit?



wheatear January 13 2012, 18:51:13 UTC
omg I have no thoughts but I enjoyed reading this post a lot. I think I still haven't processed the episode yet. Need to rewatch.


pocochina January 13 2012, 20:27:46 UTC


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