Caprica thoughts

Nov 05, 2011 16:59

Maybe the third time will be the charm with Caprica? I started again a little while ago and this time, it's eating my brain in the best possible way, to the point where I'm wondering how it didn’t catch my attention so much before.

spoilers through the first half of the show )

bsg, bsg: caprica, religion

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obsessive_a101 November 5 2011, 21:40:29 UTC
LOL - I felt as much from the pilot. :) Though I think one of the primary reasons is that I just hadn't had the time (or energy) to invest. ><" As of this moment, my entertainment schedule consists of fluff with the weekly doses of CSI/MM-on-theCloser/American Pickers - oh - and the Daily Show with John Stewart, which my Sociology [on healthcare] professor encouraged us all to watch. :) (I am, however, trying to find a way to watch BtVS and TVD once I am done with my thesis (hopefully) at the beginning of March.)

However, I LOVED the article you linked to - well - the one linked from the second link, but it's the wrongquestion blogspot. And now, am reading and nodding my head along to the other link to the same blog. (^_^)"

I felt like so much about loving BSG involved taking it into fandom and letting fandom have its way to say what the show and characters were trying to say some times... despite what the writers/producers felt the need to say (which usually amounts to a bit of awkwardness/dissociation). :3 *is tired and am not sure I'm making any sense whatsoever in that ramble - sorry*


pocochina November 6 2011, 01:21:56 UTC
I felt like so much about loving BSG involved taking it into fandom and letting fandom have its way to say what the show and characters were trying to say some times... despite what the writers/producers felt the need to say (which usually amounts to a bit of awkwardness/dissociation).

Yes, exactly. The show worked with such rich symbolism that I'm not sure everyone involved knew what they were saying half the time. I feel like with a story that powerful, it's so much better not to limit yourself to expressed authorial intent.

VAMPIRES >>>> ROBOTS ALWAYS, though! I hope you enjoy if you get around to either show.


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