you'd have liked me.

Aug 07, 2011 21:30

“I’m surrounded by idiots. I need all the help I can get.” HAHAHA TRUER WORDS YOU NEVER SPOKE, DEAR BOY. So I don’t support Damon pushing for Bonnie to sacrifice herself, obviously. But I do love him for remembering that it’s an option. Perspective. And it really helps the plot, too. When there’s a character or several to step back and think about ( Read more... )

obligatory love of psychotic jackasses, tvd

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eowyn_315 August 8 2011, 16:04:02 UTC
So I don’t support Damon pushing for Bonnie to sacrifice herself, obviously. But I do love him for remembering that it’s an option. Perspective.

Yes. Exactly. I recall yelling at Elena for being a dumbass at this point because she's willing to sacrifice herself but won't let Bonnie do the same - so not only is Elena dead, but they've also allowed a super werepire to go unrestrained. If Bonnie dies killing Klaus, Bonnie is dead... but so is Klaus. THIS IS NOT HARD. It's a shitty decision, but there's kind of an obvious "least worst option" here, and it annoyed me that only Damon and Bonnie are willing to even consider it.

Because I notice she doesn’t consider the possibility of not changing, and dying like she keeps saying she’s willing to.

Haha, I actually kind of liked that? If your choices are "dead" or "vampire," vampire is obviously the better option in this mythology. And the fact that she never says, "I would rather die than spend all of eternity with you, Stefan," shows that Elena's death wish is not so all-encompassing that she'd throw her life away just on principle.

I think that Elena's death wish isn't so much about wanting to die as it is thinking that she deserves to die. She blames herself for all the bad things that happen to everyone, which is a totally self-centered view of the world, but because bad things keep happening around her, she's internalized this notion that she deserves them. (Much like Damon has internalized the notion that he deserves the way people treat him, that Katherine's betrayal and his father's disappointment are somehow his fault. And then of course, the entire last episode is all about how DAMON DESERVES TO DIE.)

A nice gesture that he stayed on the couch with Jeremy, too.

YES. I cannot tell you how badly I want pseudo-father figure Alaric next season. And clearly he just needs to move into the Gilberts' house because O HAI KLAUS AND KATHERINE STILL HAVE AN INVITE TO YOUR APARTMENT. Also, Damon/Alaric BROTP FOREVER.

It's about his people, above all his brother.

YESSSSSS. I love that it's Damon - of course it's Damon - that Stefan sacrifices everything, even Elena, for. SALVATORES ♥


pocochina August 8 2011, 22:22:10 UTC
there's kind of an obvious "least worst option" here, and it annoyed me that only Damon and Bonnie are willing to even consider it.

YES. But then, two whole characters being willing to step back and think is more than I usually get, so I'm still on balance happy with it.

the fact that she never says, "I would rather die than spend all of eternity with you, Stefan," shows that Elena's death wish is not so all-encompassing that she'd throw her life away just on principle.

I think she mopes around saying how BAD it would be to be turned, and that she is so WILLING TO DIE, but it's not like she has to be a vampire. She would still have a choice - more of a choice than she had before he did it, because there's not a gun to anyone's head after they deal with Klaus one way or the other. And I think that's what freaks her out, is that then it really would be up to her, which means real agency. Her priority is not to have to deal with anything after flinging herself onto the sword.

Which I think is all interesting, particularly as there's explicit acknowledgment of that. She engages me intellectually, but if it's supposed to be a play for sympathy....SO MUCH MAN PAIN.


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