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part two, lmao. ever_neutral August 5 2011, 07:31:07 UTC
I kind of like the idea of Bonnie/Damon too. Their camaraderie in 2.18 was a thing of beauty. But IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN, lol.

Damon, meanwhile, continues to up his game on both the Magnificent Bastard and Psychotic Jackass fronts… But to do that, they do need to depend on Damon to step back and make the brutal calls, and I am all about him pointing that out as bluntly as possible rather than being a dumb martyr about it.

HAHA, THIS ENTIRE PARAGRAPH IS FLAWLESS. I mean. Wow. "YOU CAN ALL GO TO HELL" is like, THE QUINTESSENTIAL DAMON SALVATORE MOMENT OF ALL THE MOMENTS, I can't even handle it. I kind of want to bitch-slap him to hell and back, but also stand up and applaud? idek. ALL OF THE FEELINGS, lol. and, yeah, his bitching Stefan out after the Bonnie business was ten levels of awesome. Not nice at all, but it's not like niceness has anything to do with anything. I LOVE BITCHY!DAMON BESTEST OF ALL, OKAY.

This compulsion business is so ambiguous. I kind of like that? I mean, I like the idea that Damon doesn't actually have as much control as he'd like, that it's backfiring on him. There's something not quite right there. Like, he had to tell her several times to GTFO, and even then she still *stopped at the door to make sure he was okay?* WTH. That fact alone kind of makes me think it's the latter, that the compulsion works based on what the vampire wants the victim to do. And since Damon is so affected and possesses so little self-control right now, the strength of his compulsion is weakening. That whole scene with Damon trying to force Andie to get out, and punishing her for wanting to stay, is like a microcosm of his entire emotional struggle with people. He wants to alienate the people who care about him; he also longs to be "saved"--for some special person to break through his defences and ~make him better. Also, on a separate note, Ian was holygodwowamazing in that scene. Good Lord. That was straight up ugly ugly ugly, and I'm honestly not sure how many actors would be willing to go there.

anyway. haha, DO you keep hearing about how epic the last episodes are? I have mixed feelings about them myself. 2.20 is really fabulous, I will say. I AM SAD THESE DISCUSSIONS ARE COMING TO AN END THOUGH! D:


Re: part two, lmao. pocochina August 5 2011, 16:31:43 UTC

I like the idea that Damon doesn't actually have as much control as he'd like, that it's backfiring on him.

....YES. So I'm particularly relieved for her sake he let Andie go when he did, because he's really coming undone.

He wants to alienate the people who care about him; he also longs to be "saved"--for some special person to break through his defences and ~make him better.

THIS EXACTLY. It's totally about wanting someone to see all of him and still stay to help.

I feel like I saw SO many reactions to the last few episodes! I suppose I don't know how good people thought they were because I was avoiding actual spoilers but there seemed to be lots of feelings.

haha! I am excited to be caught up with plenty of time to get excited for next season, though.


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