The Wessay may get finished some day after all. I don't know what possessed me to re-watch AtS S3, but I went for it and am now sucked into the first few episodes of S4 but S3 is pretty brilliant too. Obviously my huge pro-Wes bias is below! locked because it got a little acerbic and ranty, so, fair warning.
love can be a terrible thing )
haha, idk. I am trying to ~approach it from the other POV, since it is not my natural one. You know how it is.
What we're watching here is an emotional collapse, where Wesley's carefully-built facades have all dissolved in the misery and self-loathing within, and that's an ugly and scary thing to be sure, but contextualizing it with the rest of the Angelverse, hardly damning.
Indeed. Though, I think it's necessary for Wesley's arc. Especially with Gunn, there is a good!Gunn/bad!Wesley dichotomy established, and it's necessary for Wes to revisit being the ~black sheep/disappointment in order to... confront his demons? IDK. He has a complicated character arc. But it's admirable that even when all his worst fears seemed to be confirmed (re: being rejected by his surrogate family), he did not collapse.
But given what he knew at the time, there were a lot of potential downsides to getting them involved - if they all left, they'd be easier to find; if they knew and stayed, Angel might do something insanely violent; if they stopped him and the prophecy was true or even if it wasn't....
yeah, my mind works way too much like his.
because he thinks... idk, that he's the only one 'tainted' enough to do what needs to be done?
oh, this, so much.
it's necessary for Wesley's arc. Especially with Gunn, there is a good!Gunn/bad!Wesley dichotomy established, and it's necessary for Wes to revisit being the ~black sheep/disappointment in order to... confront his demons?
totally true! I just forgot how heavy-handed it was.
it's admirable that even when all his worst fears seemed to be confirmed (re: being rejected by his surrogate family), he did not collapse.
YES! At his absolute worst, Wes was still working to do good, even if using awful means to do so. That's who he is.
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