So Dreamwidth not only ATE my letter, it also deleted the placeholder post said letter was attached to. I'm reposting in the hope that you'll be able to find it, and apologize for the inconvenience. :P
Dear Author,
First of all, hi, and thanks for writing for me! This is my first time doing Yuletide and I'd be lying if I said I had a clue what I was doing. But I am going to try to make this letter as useful to you as possible! I like to think that I'm pretty easy to please, but if you're not sure about something or if I've completely failed at writing a useful letter, there’s a couple of people you can call in for an assist.
If you matched with me on any toku fandom (that would include Drive, Kuuga, Dino Charge and Zyuranger) and have questions or concerns, talk to
If you matched with me on RID15 or Yoroiden Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors, then
thatbuggygirl is your go-to person.
My general preferences? Like I said, I like to think I'm pretty easy to please. I'm something of a goat when it comes to fanfiction, in that I’ll consume just about anything. Angst that makes me feel legitimate pain? Great! Silly shenanigans? Awesome! Fluffy romance? Cool! Horribly disturbing darkfic? Bring it. I like fics of all sorts. I am a sucker for character development, worldbuilding, crackpot theories and random headcanon.
I have a lot of ships (and requested a lot of things that I do ship), but am equally happy reading genfic. If you do write me a ship, I am down for anything from cute G-rated canoodling to hardcore porn. Het, slash, and femslash are all cool. And my squicks are minimal. I don't dig pairings with major age gaps or mentor/student dynamics, but the circumstance of the fic itself could sway me on such a pairing. Consent issues? Well, for some of the stuff I requested, it's to be expected. Incest, however, is a firm no.
Fandoms and Requests!
Request 1 - Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger (Geki and Goushi)
Okay, I’m kind of super glad that these were the Zyuranger characters who got nominated, because they are also among my OTPs. Pre-series ‘how they got together’ fic would be awesome, since as far as I’m concerned, they’re basically already married by the series proper. Or some h/c fallout after Burai’s death and/or the events with Dora Narcissus. Cute ridiculous fluff of just the two of them being sweet and romantic at each other would make me squee with delight. If you feel more comfortable writing genfic, I will also accept a depiction of these two as an epic bromance. I also love the idea of them being Team Dads and attempting (with varying degrees of success) to be responsible adults while the rest of their teammates are acting like ridiculous children and having shenanigans.
Request 2 - Kamen Rider Kuuga (Godai Yusuke and Ichijou Kaoru)
If you matched for me on this fandom, and you DON’T ship Godai and Ichijou...I am so, so sorry. I will still welcome genfic for these two, but my brain literally cannot conceive of a world wherein these two are not a couple. Probably the best thing to do if you aren’t comfortable writing them as a pairing would be character-centric fic about one of them or the other. They’re both such fascinating people, I’d love to see either of them psychoanalyzed a bit. Another thing I'd be super happy with as either gen or shipfic is canon extension or missing scene fic for some of the stuff that happened offscreen in the last few episodes of the series. Particularly the immediate aftermath of either fight with Daguva. I'd love to see your interpretation of that.
If you’re prepared to write shipfic...well, then, all bets are off. I’m shameless for these two. Anything goes. I love playing the “imagine your OTP _____” game with this pairing. Some of the random tweets I’ve made on the subject include: them fucking in the locker room after their kendo match, one of them asking “can I kiss you?” before doing so, Ichijou playing the piano for Godai, and various instances of the Kuuga symbol in places where it ought not be, including tattoos. Yes. Ridiculous stuff. Bring it.
Request 3 - Transformers: RID2015 (Strongarm)
Strongarm’s the only character I requested for this fandom because frankly, she’s the only one on the show I care about. I don’t really ship her with anyone (And actively NOTP Strongarm/Sideswipe), so genfic is probably a better bet. I’d love to see some origin story and pre-series worldbuilding stuff around her. Clearly Cybertron changed A LOT between the end of Prime and the beginning of RID. Where did she come from, and when? Was she one of the newsparks created after Optimus sacrificed himself? How much of the rebuilding was she around for? Why a career in law enforcement? And do most bots of her generation feel similar hero worship toward Team Prime? Or is she unique in her fangirling?
Request 4 - Yoroiden Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors (Sanada Ryo and Hashiba Touma)
Wow, it has been awhile with this fandom. Let’s see. I tend to use the Japanese names/characterizations over the American ones, but I am totally cool with either. I do sort of ship these two together, plus it’s a rarer pair and I am a sucker for rare ships, so green light for slash. Post-canon “where are they now?” fic would be great, as is h/c of any kind, either shippy or platonic. She’s not an offered character and this is super obscure so feel free to ignore it, but if you’re familiar with the audio dramas, I am a sucker for Touma’s mom and you get bonus points for using her in the fic. Sorry I can’t be more helpful with this one. I just love both these characters and want to enable more fic about them in any way I can.
Request 5 - Kamen Rider Drive (Tomari Shinnosuke, Shijima Kiriko, Krim Steinbelt, Banno Tenjuurou)
The stuff I ship here: Krim/Banno, Krim/Shinnosuke...and I guess Kiriko/Shinnosuke, but only to the extent that it’s canon. Krim and Banno I headcanon as having had a super unhealthy relationship (which, yeah, Banno’s canonically an abusive sociopath, so I expect abuse and/or consent issues if you write this pair for me) and totally parse the “shut up!” scene in the lab as their inevitable breakup. With Krim and Shinnosuke, yes I do still ship them when Krim is a belt (and the existance of beltfucking fic in the world is partially my fault), but I’d love to see some excuse for Krim to be in a human body as well.
As for gen requests: Kiriko rescuing Shinnosuke for a change, or any other incidence of Kiriko being a stone cold badass. Kiriko finally getting the chance to fucking HENSHIN that she so richly deserves. Something about Kiriko’s relationship with or feelings about Banno, because the show was so hung up on Gou’s daddy issues that it really neglected the fact that Banno is Kiriko’s father too. Fixit fic for Krim sealing himself and the Shift Cars in the Pit’s basement, because that was stupid. Or really anything Krim-centric because he is just my favorite.
Request 6 - Power Rangers Dino Charge (Any)
Hoboy. This is an ‘any’ request for a good reason. I love this show, I love this team, I love all these characters and I ship just about any combination you can think of. (My only NOTP is Chase/Riley, but Riley’s not an offered character anyway, so that's kind of a moot point?) I would love to see more Ivan/Phillip in the world, and if you write me Chase/Koda my head might explode because it needs to exist and no one has written any. If you don’t want to write shipfic, I enjoy things such as team bonding, Koda and Ivan failing at modern technology, Shelby or Kendall or both of them together being super smart and badass, or maybe Phillip taking Ivan back to see how Zandar has changed in the past 800 years.
This entry was originally posted at Comment there, or here, or wherever the urge strikes you.