Jun 30, 2004 21:20
Hmm...Even though I thought it was fairly mediocre at first, I'm liking オレンジの太陽 (Orenji no Taiyou) more and more as I keep listening to it. Hyde and Gackt really do sound quite similar. They blend quite nicely.
And I get to see Gackt on Saturday with Julia, Jessica, and Paul!! Our "seats" (we got standing tickets >_>) are probably far back enough that Gackt will only look like a moving dot in the far off distance, but still!! Gackt XD
School is slowly drawing to a close. It 's weird knowing that there are only about two weeks left before finals.
Oh, so I went to look for my cell phone today at 北千住 (kita-senju), and when the 駅員 (train station employee) looked for a green, au cell phone made by Toshiba with 折りたたみ (two halves... if I remembered that word right ^^;;), he found one in 横浜(Yokohama)!!
But it wasn't mine. Darn him for crushing my hopes like that.
I also held my first English lesson... except that I didn't. I went to 東京駅 (Tokyo Station) to meet my student, but when he arrived he told me he had to return to work, and hopefully we could do the lesson some other time. Nonetheless, I was still paid because he said he felt bad about me going all the way to meet him. I guess the next lesson will just be for two hours instead of one. Yay, money ^^;;
I think I would feel better if I had actually earned it >_>