Apparently, I have not fully appreciated the full extent of my stupidity because I managed to lose my cell phone while attempting to attend the 二年生カップ(2nd year cup). Of course, I missed the cup tournament, and I lost my phone.
お母さん(host mother) helped me call au and have my phone service stopped so that I won't have to pay extra if the person who picked up my phone decides to make a few "free" calls. She also went with me to the 交番(policeman) to fill out a lost-and-found sheet. I was feeling grateful in this I-don't-really-want-to-feel-grateful-because-you're-going-to-tell-me-that-I-should-be-grateful-in-just-a-second-anyway-so-why-take-that-from-you kind of way, until she started telling me how completely implausible it is that someone will actually return my phone to me. It was less than reassuring.
Let's not forget that the person who picked up my phone is also going to use the memory/phone book to prank call all of my friends. God what a horrible person I am for losing my phone and doing that to them!! Oh, and think about my parents! They're not going to be able to call me anymore! Because obviously, that was my true intent for losing my phone. And just as glaringly obvious, using the home phone is just silly. Why on earth would that be permissible?
Okay, okay. I'm being more unreasonable than usual about this last one. I assume that using the phone here costs extra money like in Taiwan; so, it could be more costly to them if my parents called their home phone rather than my now-inoperable cell phone.
However, I'm feeling less than charitable just because I'm in a bad mood. Hopefully tomorrow I will be more reasonable and sincerely grateful for her help today.
I can't believe I'm so stupid as to lose my phone.;_;