New sign language?

Jul 17, 2009 05:47

I cut someone off today. Sorta had to, he left me little choice. Long story short: I was running out of road and he was being a slow dick.

Continuing on. After I get in front of him I look in my mirror and I see him making a gesture. Not just any gesture but a gesture I have never seen - at least in relation to driving.

He has his hand up and is one hand clapping his four fingers against his thumb. Imagine if your hand was a pac-man or a duck's bill. He performs this action high in the air, as if meant for me to see, and then stops after a few seconds.

I change lanes and speed up to get to my destination. We never end up driving parallel so I never had a chance to glance over and give him the 'wtf face.'

So the question is...did he just perform some sort of new age, cyber generation equivalent to flipping me off? Maybe that's his way of saying 'sorry?' Or perhaps he was simply too busy motioning with his arm to his passenger that he didn't see me try to get in the lane in the first place (and continued not seeing me afterward).

Regardless, I started out angry since he almost caused me to be in an accident but I just ended up severely confused.

/humorous(?) anecdote end
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