
Jun 16, 2009 05:18

What's with people making their privacy settings so gosh darn high on Facebook? As of late, I've begun some semi hardcore facestalking. You know what I'm talking about. You check out one friend and they have a mutual friend you haven't checked up on in a while so you click on that and they've got a picture of a trip they went to and that location has an album of kute girls in swimwear and so you begin clicking on a buncha random chicks because you hope that one of them let something slip in one of the pics and then all of a sudden...BAM! BLOCKED. No more info, no more pics. "Blahblahblah only shares information with certain friends." Bitches.

Oh wait, we don't all do that? Oh...ok, well that asides I am starting to see the potential of Facebook (like 5 years after its inception). I guess I am just not social enough to have cared beforehand but now that I am [more bored], FB is a fun haven to escape to. One of these days I'm going to start using those apps and games they got on there too. Some actually seem fun but I still haven't crossed that line yet.

So I went on a surprisingly fabulous trip recently. Pics are available on said FB under Heng's profile but they are abridged. Feel free to traverse over to Flickr for the full(er) set I say fuller because the complete thing was like 1000 pictures, which I have kept on my compy, and it's utterly ridiculous to browse through if you weren't there. Hell, half the pics don't make sense to me and I was right on the front lines.

I hacked my Wii. Without getting too technical or geeky, suffice it to say that it can be summarized by the following sentence: it is awesome. Pirates or ninjas you ask? The answer is clearly pirates ;)

Also Betty is back onlines these days. She finally got her gaijin card - which I lovingly refer to as the 'white man passport' - meaning she is now applicable for internets. So if you're online in the wee hours of the American morn, say hi to her and send her some food. She's really hungry over there.

No seriously.

The family sent her a carebox of hamburger helper, mac & cheese, and other boxy/powdery Western foods for her to eats. She must be as skinny as a supermodel now. She just needs to work on that face a bit more...
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