You know, I'm still excited for Ohno's SP & Jun's drama. But there's other stuff going on too.
Like, Snow White and The Huntsman. Dude, I am like, SO excited for that movie, ever since I happened to see the trailer during one of those stupid ads on YouTube. When you look at it, Kirsten Stewart does look the part. Pale skin, red lips, dark hair. & the queen is perfect, omfg. It just seems so COOL! I can't believe I have to wait until the summer to watch it! Like I need another reason to wish it was already summer vacation.
So, a few months back, I finished all 6 seasons of Criminal Minds & have caught up with the current season. & it is killing me, having to wait for new episodes. Especially when Hotch has gotten a new "friend"! Honestly, though, I don't even remember what happened in the last House episode, because it was so far back. OTL Chase & Taub were back... & there was a bet? Yeah, okay. OTL I'll probably read the summary of it somewhere & remember everything in clear detail, because that's how I am with House.
I've been watching sooo many shows! All American crime shows. What, I can't help it; I just love detective stuff (which reminds me... but I'll get back to that). I'm currently refamiliarizing myself with NCIS, & after that, I'm going to start the Mentalist, & after that Psych... Yeah, hopefully, I stop there. Or maybe, I'll be watching Doctor Who. OTL Or maybe Sherlock will have some more episodes by that time. Adlkfj, that show is awesome, British accents & all.
But omfg, Detective Conan! Which one is Bourbon! & is the one we thought was Bourbon this whole time actually Akai Shuichi?! (If that's his name. OTL It's been a while.) It was a really long time ago when they "killed" him, & then found him in that bank robbery without his memory... I was wondering when he'd show up again. When will we know what really happened to him?! OTL & WHO IS BOURBON. I dunno, it could be this Sera chick, she's been pretty suspicious this whole time. Also, Vermouth hasn't shown up in a while either, what the hell is she doing. & how long is Conan going to be in 1st grade.
Me & Ajeea are almost done with NazoDi! IT'S SO GOOD. Kageyama, a murderer? I'm pretty sure he's not, but omfg, the suspense. I might just watch the last episode without her if the subs come out when she's not here. But, even if Kageyama was a murderer, I'd love to have a butler like him.
Man, I'm pretty upset that I only just watched episode 3 of Watashi ga Renai Dekinai Riyuu last night when Ajeea was over. She said, after I showed her the first episode a while ago, that she wanted to see it & should wait for her. & we only just watched episodes 2 & 3 recently. Now I have to wait for her to come back to watch the next few episodes. /sigh It's such a good drama. Also, I noticed, watching Yuriko, that she seems to act similar to Nino. I think it's in the way she moves her lips. That's the only thing, but it seemed so much like Nino that I was like, WHOA, did she get some tips from him when they were acting together? I dunno, I just wish they would hurry up & be husband & wife in a drama, like they said they wanted to do. It's the least they could do, giving us that assfuck ending (yeah, I just made assfuck into an adjective) with GANTZ. I hated that movie, I tried to warn Fatima, but she didn't listen, all excited, then when it ends (I played games on my iPad & listened to my music extra loud), I hear her made this angry noise, & I said, "I told you, didn't I tell you, now let's delete this movie once again & go to sleep & never speak of this movie ever." But of course she wanted to talk about it.
Okay, okay, that's all for today. I want to write a little before the day is over. I haven't completed anything in months.