Torchwood: Miracle Day ep6

Aug 15, 2011 20:29

Episode 6 Okay, so there’s a possibility that I may soon pause my Miracle Day reviews soon because I’ll be going off to college on August 28, so I won’t have access to the episodes until I get back for Thanksgiving or something (that is if my dad doesn’t delete them off the DVR). We’ll see what happens. This also includes any Doctor Who reviews. *coughI’llprobablyhuntdownWhoeppiesonlineorsomethingcough* Anyway… onto the TW review! This wasn’t a bad episode, if I do say so. Esther You go girl! Beat up baldy! Esther:
*after winning the fight with a choke technique* Esther: What have I done?
Rex: Chill, girl.
Awe, poor Esther gets a sad hug for having a conscious
Will it ever end? Rex: I’m with Torchwood!
Me: Ok, I get it. This is Torchwood. Glad that you decide to tell us for the gazillionth time already. I’m just messing around with that XD I’m glad that Rex has finally stated aloud whose side he’s on. dat waiter SO wanted Jack Love it when Jack flirts
My mom was like “lol Oh, Jack” Tho I bet Ianto is looking down from Character Heaven and is like: Ianto:
JACK, Y U USE COAT I BOUGHT CHU TO FLIRT WIT OTHER GUYZ?? XD Channeling the television I told Rhys to drive on while the guy was on the phone… and HE DID. Story & Farewells KABOOM! I actually thought the C4 Gwen found was butter and I was like “Why do they have so much butter there?” *STUFF EXPLODES* “Oh, I see that was C4. That makes sense.” XD Actually, Gwen was pretty awesome in this episode. She told that doctor off, which I appreciated, and she blew the place up. GO GWEN! Not really much to say about this eppie. Was good, but I really cannot wait until they tell us who the hell is behind everything. We’ve ruled out Ficorp (or however the hell they spell it), so I’m guessing it’s aliens. JK, we all know aliens are somehow involved… they always are. I just realized this is the first episode that did not have Oswald Danes. Wow… okay. Anyway, from how this eppie ended, we know shit is gonna go down in the next episode. From what I saw in the next time preview, there’s a connection I’d like to make to season 1. BUUTT, I’ll let that wait until I see the actual episode. So that’s it for now, my friends! *okay, there's something really weird going on here. I can't break off the paragraphs as I want to. SO for now, read at my deviantart: *

tv, torchwood, reviews, john barrowman

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