May 19, 2005 20:49
Hrm, not all that much to write. Guess I'll just list some random things that happened today.
1.) Got hit on by some old guy. (Like 40's old, but still, ew. >.>)
2.) Got glomped by Rachel. (x.x She was so hyper and giggly)
3.) Ran around in the rain like an idiot. (c.c Dun ask...)
4.) Got muh cell phone working again. (w00t.)
5.) Was asked to stay an extra hour at work, but then ended up not having to. (o.O; Well, yay.)
6.) Laughed at how the sprinklers were going at work, while it was raining. (Haha.. >.>)
7.) Thought about cleaning up in here, but still I sit. (o.o; Yep...)
8.) Watched a geeky thing on VH1 about Star Wars fandom. (hehehe.. XD)
9.) Realized just how much of a geek I really am. (>___> Oi...)
And, now I have the desire to clean things up a bit so I can draw. Right now, there's like no desk space. XD