"you're doing something on the internet? hold on while I drop dead from shock."

Nov 19, 2006 01:14

This is a PSA, guys. Believe me when I say I actually did burst out laughing when I read this e-mail.

Seriously, guys? Seb is the following:
a) One of the coolest, nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing
b) insanely talented

So please give this a once over? As a favor for me, if nothing else. This is someone who deserves a big break more than anyone I've ever met. He's a gem, guys.


What if your life was broadcast for the world to share?

Presenting a new interactive internet series..."I."
Part blog. Part sitcom. A story told in snippets.

Presented by:

Sebastian Arcelus
Michael Izquierdo
and Craig DiFolco

We would love for you to become part of our viewing audience.

Hope you can join us for the ride...all of the relevant info and
instructions can be found below...

Thanks for watching,

Sebastian, Michael, and Craig


How it Works:

Go to: www.youtube.com/ichannel

Subscribe now for free and check back often, as we will be
posting regular installments throughout the days and weeks to come.
Feel free to post comments, as this is an interactive series and we
welcome the opportunity for viewers to play a role.


About "I.":

An anonymous young man awakens to find his life taken over by a
video blog-- his every thought and action will now be edited and
uploaded onto the world wide web. When he discovers that the only
way out of his surreal predicament is to amass "views," he's forced
to ask himself a self-reflective question for the modern age: is
my life worth downloading?

seb, teh internets

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