travelling plans? (+ tww apparently)

Oct 30, 2006 02:32

So, one of my goals next term is to have a job so I can start saving money to move out when I graduate in May. (alkjsfiowejflkasdjf no no no no omg no let's not talk about that yet.) Still, having a job would mean having a little extra money, which is always good. But it also means I can probably do something I've never done before, and that's travel over spring break.

I don't like flying, because I find it supremely irritating. I'm not scared of flying (I do it all the fucking time. At least once a year for the past six or seven years.), but it irritates me. I don't like people, I don't like being squished into an uncomfortable seat next to loud dummies and I don't like my ears popping. So that rules out many places. Plus, I'd rather not have to pay airfare anyway.

Narrows down my choices signifigantly, but that's okay. Because two of my favourite places have been sorely lacking visitations. That would be Toronto and DC.

So here is my question to you all. I know that I've got a handful of f-list people in both of those places. Right now I'm kind of leaning towards DC because it's a five hour drive as opposed to a nine hour drive. But if you live in/around either of those places, what do you know about cheap lodging/stuff to do/etc? This would be for the first week in April.

I'm getting a little ahead of myself, I know, but we're like, two months away from Christmas, and I'd like to have tentative plans before then. (As a note to people who have never traveled with me? Actual plans are for wusses. Seriously. Ask _morning_glow. The absolute best way to travel is to grab some maps and some fruit snacks and set off with your destination in mind. As long as you have a place to stay, everything else usually falls into place eventually.) But tentative plans are important, especially when selling trips to the parental units, who tend to think breaks from school are to be used to do work to make money.

Anyway. Those are my thoughts. With that, I am going to bed.

eta: That was a lie. Frequent use of this icon has finally caught up with me. I'm going to go watch bedhead!Will on my teevee.

eta 2: nooo! Because bedhead!Will is season five! It's, you know, after the whole sleepless-night-becase-Zoey-is-gone-and-Walken-is-President-and-Sam-and-Will-had-angry-depressed-sex-even-though-they-broke-up-four-months-ago thing. (I might have, ah, inferred that last part from what I felt was missing from the actual episode.) Dammit. Perhaps First Leiutenant Will will make me feel better. ("Will, why are you dressed like an officer of the Air Force?" "...because I'm an officer of the Air Force.")

Okay, yes. That's almost as good.

(PS: Can someone who's watching Numb3rs tell me what episode they're on? I think JoMa starts in nine? I want to make sure I catch him.)

eta 3: I'm glad this has turned into an entry about TWW.
"Okay, this phone call you're going to set up with's like for a White House bloopers reel or something?"

Also, damn, Janel looks hot in that little vest/open collared shirt number with the pony tail. She can really pull it off, unlike some people currently starring on highly rated medical shows.

Also, I almost forgot Matt Perry is in this one! Yay!

"We're not gonna need that three of clubs?"

I forgot that one of my favourite (and underappreciated) Josh/Donna scenes of all time is in this ep! "This guy...There are some who would consider him handsome. I don't personally, 'cause you're the only one I think is handsome."
"But for the sake of appearances, here, around the offices, so that other people wouldn't suspect, I'd pretended I thought this guy was handsome if you hired him. Of course, all along it would be a lie, because of how handsome you are... and powerful."
"Your sense of humor's a bit of a high wire act isn't it? You're really trying to thread the needle."
"And half of it you don't even get."

And how incredibly, amazingly awkward the interview with Joe is. "You don't ever feel sad?" " It... asked if I felt sad. And at the time I checked it... I didn't." "...Okay." Oh god, Matt and Brad, why are you amazing?

eta 4: "CJ... Toby... Will, how many fingers?"
"Who's Will, sir?"

"He wants to know if the President wants to say something funny."
"That's twice in four years, some of you guys must really be mad at me?"

Oh, Donna being concerned for Josh, wanting to call Stanley. They love each other so much.

"It's one of those things that sounds worse when you say it out loud 'cause it makes people kind of nervous..."

"They're sending in a team of lawyers to deal with it?"
"Yeah, but we're scrappy."

Charlie and Zoey. Awww. ♥ "Sorry you got shot at again."

"Cause if you're a Republican, then you damned well better look like Ainsley Hayes!"
"He does!....He will to others."

"What site does it send you to?"

And CJ and Toby at the end. Awwwww. ♥

And thus ends that stroll down memory lane, back in the days when CJ and Toby were awesome, Charlie and Zoey were adorable, Josh and Donna were in love, Will Bailey was the cutest kid on the block, and Leo and Jed pwned all. Join us next week, when I'll go through every hysterical line in "Privateers" giggle by giggle, starting with when all the diplomas fall off of Amy's walls.

joma apparently, travel, spring break, i love this icon, tww

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