"'Petrie' - like the dish!"

Mar 15, 2006 02:18

eta: Okay, guys, if you didn't look at the picture of Rob Lowe being attacked by parrots in my last entry, I strongly recommend it. Because it's seriously the most hilarious thing ever.

I am so pro-nightly TXF marathons on TNT. Tonight was "Agua Mala," "Monday," "Arcadia," and "Alpha." I can't even tell you how much I loooove "Arcadia." Oh, Mulder and Scully. You are the best fake-married couple ever!

Oh, here's a weird thing I've been meaning to mention. Yesterday I discovered that Tim Matheson AKA Vice President John Hoynes was the voice of Jonny in the original The Adventures of Jonny Quest! JQ was my first online fandom (awwww!) and arguably one of the fandoms I was most involved in, barring Rent which is... a monstrosity in and of itself. But yeah, Jonny Quest! Awwww! I was so surprised (and pleased!) to see that, because I've always had a kind of love-and-hate relationship with Hoynes and I like him significantly more than Bingo Bob. Mostly because Bingo Bob stole Will and made him into Douchey McAsshat. Also because Bingo Bob was a boring asshole.


Brendan is working on his research paper. The gist of it is that he has to pretend that he's writing a letter to Oliver Stone, who's doing a film version of Kafka's Metamorphosis. He's the soundtrack supervisor and he needs to make a case for why five of the songs he's picked should be included, mainly how they relate to important themes in the story. It sounds decently cool, except neither of us can get our heads about Oliver Stone caring that much about music. At least not now. Apparently his teacher--

"How was your first night?"
"Oh, it was wonderful. We just spooned up and fell asleep like little baby cats. Isn't that right, Honeybunch?"
"That's right, PoopieHead."

--Anyway, Apparently his teacher's excuse was that the prompt is really, really old and they never felt the need to change it. I'm trying to convince him that he should talk to the teacher and ask if he can change it to David Lynch. That would be one fucked up paper.


I am... so behind on my list of writing to do over break. I need to get out of bed before, you know, two in the afternoon, and make good use of my afternoons. Especially because--

AHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. OH MAN. It just got to the part where the Schroeders ask Mulder and Scully where they met and Mulder's like, "A UFO convention! I'm not into that kind of stuff but Laura, she's just a sucker for it!" and the look on Scully's face was AMAZING. AHAHAHAHAH AND THEY JUST AIR KISSED BECAUSE SCULLY WOULDN'T GET NEAR HIM!

Right. Anyway, I especially need to get up early because I need to go shopping, apparently. My dad's side of the family is getting all the kids together for a big group picture and we all need to match and apparently the "theme" is either black turtlenecks or blue button-down shirts. So. I need to go buy some of those that don't look atrocious on me. That should be fun. We all know how much I love that side of the family. (And those of you who are new, I'm sure you can tell from the tone of that sentence how much I love them >_<)


"Third warning - toilet seat."

"Have you noticed how much everyone here is obsessed with the neighborhood rules, the CC&Rs? You know, you'd fit in really well here."

Oh, Mulder and Scully. You are so married in this episode.

boy child, jq, txf, family stuff, tww

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