(no subject)

Jan 15, 2006 17:57

Bren: ::re: Dad's phonecall:: Another one of your sisters?
Dad: Yeah. I have a lot of them.
Bren: What, four?
Dad: Yeah.
Kait: I have zero.
Bren: I have one, but she sucks.

eta: And a meme from poeticpathetic

1- My uncle once: bought my grandmother the saddest Charlie Brown Christmas tree ever. We still make fun of him for it.

2- Never in my life: have I left the continent.

3- When I was five: I had a Cookie Monster birthday party and Cookie Monster came and I was afraid of him.

4- High School was: long.

5- I will never forget: quatredeathlady's senior prom.

6- I once met: David Sedaris (omg remember that time I took a cigarette break with David Sedaris?!)

7- There's this girl I know who: is not a mummy and would never mummify Ethan Hawke.

8- Once, at a bar: Constantine Maroulis invited me to a licking party.

9- By noon I'm usually: still sleeping.

10- Last night: I worked in the ice storm FROM HELL and chased merchandise that was blowing away in the crazy wind.

11- If I had only: tried harder.

12- Next time I go to church: hopefully I won't burst into flames.

14- What worries me most: is disappointing everyone and not making a life for myself.

15- When I turn my head right I see: a rocking chair.

16- When I turn my head left, I see: a picture of the Marching Band Pit Crew.

17- You know I'm lying when: I make shifty eyes a lot.

18- You know what I miss most about the eighties: being little.

20- By this time, next year: I will be panicking about graduation.

21- A better name for me would be: Kait? I don't know.

22- I have a hard time understanding: people who call my cell phone. The earpiece speaker doesn't work well.

24- You know I like you if: I awkwardly cling to you and/or quote you in my LJ.

25- If I won an award, the first person I'd thank would be: my parents.

27- Take my advice, never, ever: work at Michael's in Hartsdale.

28- My ideal breakfast is: muffins and tea.

29- A song I love, but do not have is: Ben Folds' cover of "Golden Slumbers".

30- If you visit my hometown, I suggest: you visit me.

33- Paperclips are more useful than: broken paperclips.

34- If I do anything well, it's: working at Michael's. Isn't that sad?

35- And by the way: my feet are fucking killing me and I had to do inventory in the basement WITH A FLASHLIGHT today because the lights were out.

boy child, quotes, family stuff

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