friday the thirteenth...

Jan 13, 2006 22:49

Today was crazy at work. Seriously. We could feel the Friday the 13th mojo by the end of the day.

I've been doing inventory all week, so I finished up seasonal with Sapakash today. It was crazy for various reasons, once of which was the fact that I inventoried candy and almost every box was one or two shy of a full case. Meaning that I had to open boxes and count out the full 46 chocolate bars that were in the clearly opened box because someone felt the need to put two extra bars in the candy box already opened.

The real craziness was when we finished our inventory for the night. We did stock and - well, normally we're supposed to wear our aprons at least around our waists at all times. During inventory, though, Nick asked us not to wear them in hopes that customers wouldn't bother us as much (this didn't work, btw), so once we finished today we didn't bother to put them back on.

Two customers actually YELLED AT ME for not wearing my apron. Even when I explained why I wasn't wearing it, they stayed annoyed.

One guy, later on, didn't want to wait on line to pay for his t-shirts, so he handed me ten dollars and walked out with them because he had "somewhere else to be."

The craziest thing of the night, though, happened ten minutes before closing. It was 8:48 and Laura just finished closing out all but one register. We always close all the registers out before 8:50. I realized we hadn't made the 8:45 announcement, so I got on the intercom and made the 8:50 announcement. You need to understand, usually even when we make the 8:55 and 9:00 annoucements we can't get people to come to the registers. They keep wandering the store.

I made the 8:50 announcement and twelve people jumped on line.

So, there's this huge line and only one register not shut down for the night. Laura and I are panicking and also laughing a little. Laura goes to page Juan to ask him what to do and in response he gets on the intercom and makes the 8:50 AGAIN because he hadn't heard us the last time. Oh god, we started laughing so hard we could barely stand up. People were looking at us funny, because all we could do was laugh. I finally went to find Juan, who informed me that I could probably use register 3, which I did. I rang up five customers and everyone paid with a credit card except for one woman who spent $0.80. When I closed the register (finally) at 9:05, I had to do an $0.80 withdrawal. Which just cracked us all up again.

I'm home, now, and I have to go back at eight am tomorrow, but... yeah. Weird night.

work: michael's

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