(no subject)

Jan 10, 2006 14:37

So I have this friend. Many of you know her. I'm talking about bessiemaemucho, and I thought I would link to her blog right now because she is hilarious. But really, I'm just going to copy and paste (without her permission, because I am a rebel.):

dear kait,

having watched a disc of house this evening, all i have to say is: fuck you, i did NOT need another teevee show to watch. sheesh.



ps: remember that time when we traveled to graceland in the future? that was awesome.
ps2: i was just reading the wikipedia article on house, and it says that house is based on sherlock holmes. and, conan edogawa is based on sherlock holmes too! that means that house and conan are like brothers. kind of. it ALSO means that you should go write a house/case closed crossover fic where house goes to japan and diagnoses conan's mysterious de-ageing poisioning. he could also diagnose the brain damage conan surely has by now, after all those blows to the head he receives from richard. and then, THEY FIGHT CRIME. go write it, right now.
ps3: and then sam would come give house a makeover.
ps4: and then it turns out that house is a mutant.

Now tell me that's not the best thing you've ever heard.

Anyway, I'm working for the next six hours (can we say "inventory"? Good. Because that's going to be the suject of my LJ for the next several days.) and then I'm going to hang out with quatredeathlady and fuuchan for a few hours. Then I am coming home to sleep because I am working at eight am tomorrow morning. Oh god, I just winced a little writing that.

So, apologies, quackerscooper, I'm not going to be around to finish that log tonight, probably. Do as much as you can with Chelsea-or-Colleen and I'll fill in the rest at some point tomorrow and... yes. We can post it. Three days late. Go us.

x-men, house, work: michael's, tww, best show ever!, renata, friends

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