ficlet february 25: a meeting, a beginning

Feb 27, 2015 11:58

The last one!

This will probably be late (but still in February!) for the same reason the other two late ones were late--I had friends visiting from out of town and decided to spend the day with them instead. I did, however, figure out a plan so I could at least get this started before I leave.

I'm going to write a full post as kind of a wrap up about all of this month and stuff's been pretty cool and I'm glad I did it. This one was left over from February 13. I was trying to write a Raven Cycle friendship fic but I stalled out, so...Charles/Erik. Sorry, I'm predictable. Anyway, I thought it was kind of ~*~fitting~*~ to end with this one. Circular or some shit. Whatever. THANKS FOR READING ALONG, GUYS. Wrap-up tomorrow!


Ficlet February 25: "a meeting, a beginning"

It's funny how clandestine the meeting feels, given the setting. It's a beautiful spring day. The sun is shining, people are strolling along the paths in the park, children are playing. The air smells fresh and wonderful and full of promise.

Charles doesn't let any of that distract him, though. He can't let himself be lulled into complacency by a beautiful day or a serene landscape or by anything by might come out of Erik's mouth once he arrives.

That last one, mostly

Erik was very specific in his directions, so Charles sees the bench immediately. A young couple seems to spot it at the same moment, but it's only the barest brush of his powers to make them realize they'd rather sit closer to the pond, leaving Charles free to wheel his chair right up next to it and wait.

Erik arrives at 1:15 on the dot and the look of him alone takes Charles' breath away. He's not in his ridiculous costume--he's in clothes not unlike the clothes he wore during their courtship all those years ago--neat slacks, a dark colored collared shirt, like he's an office worker on his lunch break. Aside from the longer hair and emerging laugh lines, they could be back in 1962.

It's always harder to hate Erik when he doesn't look like Magneto.

Erik takes a seat on the bench next to him and doesn't say anything for a few moments. Charles forces himself not to read Erik's mind--that was part of the deal--at least until he has a better idea of what this ridiculous meeting is about in the first place.

"I don't have all day, Erik," he says after nearly ten minutes have passed.

"Nor do I," Erik says. He doesn't turn to look at Charles. He's still staring at the pond. "More than you know, really."

"Erik," Charles says, turning to look at him, "I don't have time to play games."

Erik turns slowly. He almost hides the flinch when his eyes meet Charles', but he's not quite fast enough. He takes something out of his pocket, a slip of paper folded in two, and hands it to Charles.

"In my travels, I found--" He stops himself. Charles reaches up to take the paper, but Erik doesn't let go.

He's staring in Charles' eyes. It's unnerving.

"There are times when my methods are justified," Erik says when he starts again. "Necessary. But there are times--I understand why your methods are equally important. They support each other."

Charles doesn't agree, but he keeps quiet, even as Erik inspects his face.

"In my travels, I discovered a man living in a house with three young mutant children. He was exploiting their powers for his own personal gain, using them for petty crimes." He says the next part as if it hurts him to admit it. "He was using his own powers for these reasons as well."

That startles a reaction out of Charles, however small. The gasp of surprise sticks in his throat. Erik finally lets go of the paper.

"My people took care of him," Erik says. "But the people I lead--it's no place for children. That's where you'll find them."

Charles looks down at the folded paper in his hand and then back up at Erik. He struggles for words, and in the silence that follows, Erik continues.

"I know you disagree with me. I know you no for me." Charles struggles not to flinch. "But there is no place in the world better for those children than with you."
Charles breathes out slowly.

"And what about you?" Charles asks. Once the words are out, he immediately regrets them. He means, of course, where will you go from here? He doesn't mean why isn't there no place in the world better for you than by my side?


Erik either understands the first implication or chooses to ignore the second.

"I can't back away from my mission," Erik says. "But I doubt this will be the last time I come across a child in need to assistance."

Charles says nothing. For another ten minutes, they sit in silence, until Erik stands up, brushes off his slacks, and turns to Charles.

"Until next time," he says.

Charles holds the slip of paper tightly between his fingers.

"Next time," he agrees, and then watches Erik walk away until long after he's out of sight.


ficlet february!
Get some sleep
Five minutes away
Faint recognition
Half an hour before sunrise
Useless, but beautiful
Something’s broken
Surprise celebration
There were signs and signals
Write about a postcard
What are you looking for?
You remind me of someone
A meeting, a beginning
Lasting impression
Long drive
Behind closed doors
Ask questions later
Six impossible things
Day off
Lost in a city
A door key
A late night phone call
Someone else’s mortification
Something from music
Something from a picture

ficlet february, fic: 2015, charles/erik, fic: xmfc

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