the flakes

Feb 23, 2015 15:25

Hello, internet.

So, let's see. Boston got something like 80-odd inches of snow in February and 99.9" so far for the season. It's the second snowiest winter ever and (I think) the snowiest 30-day period ever. We had five days of work cancelled in late January/early February, the T was shut down multiple times for multiple days, and we reached a point where there was literally nowhere to put the snow any longer without the help of a snowblower.

It's been rough.

I have been a lunatic throughout all of this, barely holding it together, crying all the time, etc. My anxiety has been a NIGHTMARE, and god only knows how I've gotten out of bed and gotten dressed every morning. I keep thinking about our members at work and the people in the community that I work with. If it's this bad for me, I'm sure it's a billion times worse for them :\ I've also been jokingly unreasonably angry with people who are like, "lol sucks to be you, it's 80 degrees here!" but...also not actually joking. Those cute jokes became awful weeks ago, but I also know it's UNREASONABLE to lash out at people who don't really understand what it's like living through this, so I've tried to bite my tongue.

Except at Chris Evans. Chris Evans and I are in a fight.

So, that's been fun. God bless mcwonthelottery, Netflix instant, and the Downeast Cider House.

But, all that aside, the high points of the month have been high. I already talked about ivy_rat's first Boston visit, but she and Scott are looping back through here before they head overseas for the next part of Scott's book tour, so hopefully I will see them again this week! cygnaut visited last weekend and it was SO lovely and wonderful and she is GREAT and needs to come back when the weather is better. I made her come with me to the 50 Shades movie, and she came onto a bonus episode of the podcast so we could talk about it. We had a wonderful Galentine's Day (observed) [aka Valentine's Day] brunch out at The Sinclair where the food and drinks were amazing and I gave a toast and everything was rad.

This week is also Becca's birthday, which I would be excited about if ANY OF HER PRESENTS WOULD GET HERE. I'm trying to figure out what to put on her cake.


Writing-wise, I've been mega-exhausted and out of my mind because of the aforementioned anxiety/depression/SAD/THE FLAKES, but, hurrah, I've so far managed to stay on target with Ficlet February. Now my big problem is trying to figure out what I'm going to start working on in March. There's a sort of "write for yourself!" fest going on this spring that seems cute, but I think it requires like...knowing what you want to write. Which I don't. So, that, plus the fact that it's hosted on Dreamwidth (where I am currently locked out of my account) and seems to be kind building? (and I don't feel like I'm super wanted/missed in that community), has me hesitant to sign up. I don't traditionally do well with semi-structured stuff, it's fully structured or by the seat of my pants XD That's all to say, I know the very things that make me hesitate are prob right up a lot of people's alleys, so I encourage you to check it out if it sounds good! I know lots of people like fewer deadlines/rules/etc.


GOSH WHAT ELSE? pearl_o is coming to visit me sooooooooon ♥ Yesterday, after years of being vaguely anxious over the idea that if something happens to my phone I might lose all our texts forever + frustration that there's no easy way to look back at our past conversations, I downloaded a program that exported our text logs into PDF.

We text a lot O_O

But it's really cool to have all those old texts and be able to scan through them and save all our headcanons/world-building/fic writing in addition to all of our boring life stuff. SO THAT'S BEEN FUN.


Ugh, here's one more sad thing--I did not get that job that I got up to the second interview for. I was bummed enough as it was, but I got MORE bummed when I then received two ADDITIONAL rejections for the same job--I think the woman sending them messed up the first time, then tried again and it was still messed up and then sent it a third time and just...ugh. It was like, hilariously terrible :|

(I got an unrelated job rejection an hour or so earlier too, so yay /o\)


I hate ending on a down note. Um. Yesterday it was 36 degrees and we were so excited we walked into town and bought cupcakes!! So there are cupcakes waiting for me at home!! And I get to go there in an hour!!

That will have to do for now.

worst bestsellers, job w0es, friends, erica!, cardigan central, slanty face, boston, snowpocalypse 2k15

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