x-men evolution watch-along, week 1: "strategy x"

Feb 01, 2015 20:12

Since Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men has leveled up to include X-Men: Evolution recaps, we've decided to watch along and revisit the series as well! Rachel's recaps will start later this week. We watched our first episode tonight!

S01E01 is our introduction to the absurd premise of this show! It is this: What if, instead of teaching the X-Men at the school, Chuck sent them to public school and, I guess, pocketed the tuition money for funsies?

It's unclear how long this little scam has been going on--Jean and Scott are pretty well integrated into Bayville (not "Bayside," to the dismay of mcwonthelottery and myself after a metric fuckton of Saved By The Bell jokes) High School, but they're also the only ones at Chuck's "school," which consists of them, him, and Storm living with a bunch of plants in the attic.

Anyway, so, after some excitement at the high school's football game, where Jean flirts with everyone in sight, we're introduced to Toad, whom Scott saves from some bullies by accidentally using his powers. Luckily, Chuck was at the school to spy on them (? Chuck is super creepy in this show) and erased everyone's memories of the event. Scott promises to be more careful and Chuck entreaties Scott to check out Toad because ~*~everyone is welcome at the school~*~ etc.

Storm and Scott are both dubious of this. I am too.

Meanwhile, Storm and Chuck have picked Kurt up from the train station. He meets Scott and Jean and they all exposit their powers to each other before Scott and Jean run off to school. Kurt is over the moon about the Xavier school once Chuck gives him an image inducer watch so he can hide his blue furriness. Chuck uses Cerebro to spy on Toad some more and exposits the use of Cerebro and the function of the school to Kurt. Thank god a new character has come along with all of these questions! It's almost as if it's by design!

Somewhere in New England (?), Logan is on his motorcycle, cause he's like the wind, baby. He buys a paper and a glass bottle of water (?) that he drinks and then forces the shopguy to recycle? Then he smells trouble in the air and it's back to Xavier's, as Sabertooth looks on.

At school, Toad is called to the principal's office, where she grills him about Scott and threatens him into getting close to Scott to spy on Xavier. She turns into a big blue hellbeast to scare him, and despite the fact that her powerset originally only allowed her to stay humanoid and of the same mass of her true form, it's pretty obvious this is Mystique.

Toad arrives at the mansion and gets into a fight/test with Kurt. There's like, massive property damage. They're literally just fighting in the living room? But this is all according to Chuck's plan????

The moral of the story is that people with more money than ethics shouldn't be allowed to run schools.

Anyway, Kurt and Toad end up in the Danger Room and instead of...turning it off...Chuck sends Jean and Scott into help defeat the Danger Room simulations? Which are on "KILL"? Because...reasons? Jean flirts with Kurt. I'm into it.

So they do that and Toad is basically like, "Fuck this place and fuck you shitheads" and runs out. He bumps into Wolvie on the way--looks like he's back to stay.

Kurt is sad that he messed everything up in the Danger Room, but Scott Morals at him about how we all screw up sometimes, but ~*~friendship~*~! Kurt agrees to stay.

Back at the high school, Mystique yells at Toad for being a fuck-up. Toad peaces out of her office, and she smashes a lot of furniture before the disembodied voice of Teal'c Magneto tells her to chill--this is only the first episode, she can't alienate all the villains yet.

Next Week! "The X-Impulse" and the arrival of valley-girl Kitty!

Feel free to discuss in the comments!

x-men, x-men evolution watchalong

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