this is not about work

Apr 25, 2014 12:28

Hello, internet!

This is not about work mostly because I'm having/my company is having SO MANY ISSUES RIGHT NOW, and I really do want to vent, but I'm at work right now, and since I'm like, 99% positive the company monitors what we write on company computers, I won't get into it here. Suffice to say...I am actively looking for a new job.

But this is not about work! This is about other things!

i. Hannibal
THAT GUY IN A HORSE. LIKE. WHAT WAS THAT? I seriously can't stop the horrified laughter every time I think about it.

Also, I'm really interested in the start of the Verger storyline! I really hope we get to see Margot develop as a character in her own right, given how her story plays out at the end of Hannibal the novel. I feel like, in order to not only be cool with her pinning an unrelated murder on him, but actively encouraging it, they need to have a little more of a connection, which I'd like to see. Also, that whole storyline is so disturbing and weird and gross and awesome that I'm glad Fuller is thinking about it. (And not at all surprised, given he's apparently plotted out the first five years of the show.) I'm wondering if they're going to sort of push it up, the way they did the Ripper stuff, to take place pre-Starling, or if they're just laying the groundwork now and showing the attack/disfigurement from Hannibal and then sidelining Verger until they get to the revenge plot post-Starling.

As much as I love everything else about Hannibal--the costumes and scenery, the colors, the acting, the writing, the characters--I really love seeing how Fuller is weaving a pre-established franchise into something new enough to keep people familiar with the source text guessing.

ii. Captain America 2
I finally saw Cap 2! Sam was great! Natasha and Fury were great! Steve was great! Maria was great! I am the only person on the internet who doesn't give a shit about Bucky Barnes! I'm going to be shunned by my friends!

I did generally enjoy it! I tend to prefer the Iron Man and Thor movies to the Cap movies because the Iron Man movies tend to be character-centric dramedies and the Thor movies tend to be relationship-centric scifi, while the Cap movies are more period-action? Which is not my favorite thing to watch, even though Steve is prob my favorite MCU Avenger. But it was good! I saw it twice, mostly because I missed probably 60% of it the first time because the cinematography (or whatever it's called) was SO. BAD. The shaky, flickery fight scenes made me SO sick, even the second time when I'd eaten only a light breakfast and taken a load of dramamine. It was especially noticeable after the clever final battle in Thor 2 and the very clear movement of the Avengers final battle.

Also this was the movie that I felt had the highest (or at least most noticeable) civilian death toll, and that really bothered me? I don't know, I feel the other movies, there's more emphasis on getting civilians to safety and clearing people out. There was a TON of that in the Avengers and bits of it in the Thor and Iron Man movies. A lot of the MCU battles take place in evacuated or at least large empty areas (the oil rig in IM3, a tiny desert town in Thor, etc), and having all of the fights in Cap 2 take place in populated city areas with little to no acknowledgement or regard to the civilian casualties really rubbed me the wrong way. Like, I was uncomfortable with the domestic terrorism in IM3, but it was treated as a developed plot point, the civilian death was acknowledged and pushed the plot forward. Here, it really felt like an afterthought in a way that made me uncomfortable.

But mostly I love Sam and Steve and Nat and Fury and Maria. I have already read all the Sam/Steve on the internet and I would like more, please.

iii. Family
Brendan moved to Boston! He still doesn't have a job, but he's actively looking. My parents are torn between being lonely and being happy to have an empty house for the first time ever. (They had like, a year of freedom? We had one year overlapping in college, I think, then Brendan moved back in right after I moved to Boston, so.) They half-joked about getting foster kids. I'm afraid they're going to get a dog or something.

(It was a half-joke because they were my aunt's former foster kids, who were taken away from their mother again, along with their baby sibling, and are struggling because the baby was sent to her grandparents, who are different from the girls' grandparents, so they don't see her. [I think the baby is a girl, I can't remember, I've never met her.] My aunt can't take them again because of time/space considerations and I guess my parents considered, briefly, taking all three of them in so they could be together, but while they wouldn't have a problem with the two school-aged ones, they're not sure they could handle the baby. It's sad because we all really love these girls so much. People who've been around for a while might remember them:

They really deserve to catch a break. It's not their fault their mom's a mess :\)

iv. fandom
So, Remix is happening and I have a strong outline and know exactly what I want to do. The story will be immediately identifiable as mine, but what else is new? Now I just need to actually write it.

I'm starting to have doubts I'll finish Days of Kitty Past before DoFP :\

My brain is still firmly in the universe of my collab with pearl_o because it's GREAT. When it's not there, it's picking at shore 'verse stories.

The Singer news made me feel super angry and betrayed. I discussed it on Tumblr. But I'm still excited for the film itself, esp for McAvoy and JLaw and the Sirs and Kitty and Nick Hoult and Bishop. McAvoy looks SO banging in his suit + aviators 70s get-up.

I'm also really excited for Mutant Weekend, even though participants are dropping like flies. At this point, I think we're down to me, cygnaut, chiasmus, and I think metonymy said she might come to a brunch or maybe the Rifftrax viewing. If anyone else in the Boston area is interested in a) midnight (or 9pm or whatever) showing; b) brunch on Friday or Saturday; c) other stuff TBD Friday; d) X-movie marathon on Saturday, please let me know! You are 100% invited, despite the fact that I'm beginning to feel like the weekend is cursed.

v. et cetera
Things are okay? I'm feeling good today. I've not been feeling good the past few days, stuck in the "I don't fit in with anyone I know in fandom so probably everyone hates me" mindset, but I feel like it might be more work-stress related than depression. We'll see. My college BFF [Steven. There's my college BFF, and then "my BFF while I was in college," who is _morning_glow] just invited me to the second anniversary Night Vale live show, but I had to turn him down because between work and visitors and such, it would be too hard to get to NYC for it. Con season starts soon (If you know anyone interested in going to DCon who doesn't have a room yet, let me know! If YOU are interested in going to DCon and never have before, let me talk you into it!). I'm trying to make birthday plans. A week from now is FCBD/Big Thrifty, which will be fun. I went out with barbed_whispers last weekend and it was GREAT. momebie moves here soon.

I think that's mostly it. How are you, internet?

hannibal, family stuff, i guess i'm in xmen: fc fandom now, writing: is hard, movies, mcu, marvel

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