Beyond Panels: Dear Author

Feb 04, 2014 10:16

Hello, Beyond Panels Author!

First off, you are a beautiful rockstar wonderful person and I will probably love whatever it is you come up with for any of these fandoms. Really! Truly! These are all canons of my heart. They're books that I love deeply and for which would love to see any sort of fanwork! So please don't stress about filling every prompt to the letter. I'm trying to be as general as possible, and there's no need to bend over backwards to fit a specific prompt if it's not working for you.

Now, I know we were matched on only one or two characters and no ships, so I'm ALSO going to say that while I'll list my shipping preferences, I am also 100% completely cool with genfic! I love genfic! No shipping needs to be involved at all!

X-Men: First Class
Characters Requested: Jean Grey (X-Men First Class) Wanda Maximoff (X-Men First Class)
Request Summary: I seriously love this comic with all my heart and soul. It's the comic I put into other people's hands when I want them to see why I love the X-Men so much. I would be cool with anything about Jean and Wanda's friendship (or with Jean/Wanda shippy fic!), but I would also be cool with gen fic about anyone on this team, or about the team working together or even just hanging out in their downtime, being teenage pests.

Additional Notes: BASICALLY THAT'S IT. I would love Jean/Wanda, but also anything about their friendship, or maybe them hanging out with other lady super heroes to break away from the boys' club a little. If you'd rather focus on the team as a whole, I love Hank and Bobby and Scott and Warren too. Ship wise, you're safe with Jean/Wanda or Jean/Scott.

I know this is wide open, but I really do love everyone and everything about this book that much.

Characters Requested: Any Character
Request Summary: Another comic I love with all my heart and soul, though this was a more recent find, obviously :) I wrote a lengthy post about everything I love about this comic, which is a pretty good rundown of my favorite narrative themes: found families, stories about identity, trying hard at things and still failing at them, trying to figure out how to connect with other people, and all of the meta throwbacks in the text and art alike.

I would LOVE to see a slow day at the Baxter Building with all of the kids and adults alike between crises, but anything you do with any of these characters and any of the above themes would be great :)

Additional Notes: I love the kids most of all, really, particularly Bentley, Tong, Onome, and Alex. I don't really have any shipping preferences. I like Scott/Darla as a couple, but I don't know that I'd necessarily want to read a fic all about their relationship? But I do like them together and would love them as a background couple. But really, go nuts otherwise :)

X-Treme X-Men
Characters Requested: Any Character
Request Summary: I love all of the characters in this book and all of the zaniness and all of the romance. Despite the tragic end to this team, I tend to prefer happier stories. Maybe a world they visited while hunting Xaviers that was particularly off the wall?

And, if you like more character/world-building stuff, I am FASCINATED by what must have happened on head-in-a-bottle!Xavier's home world. Backstory about how he dealt with the death of his team and ended up where he ended up would be AMAZING.

But don't feel pressured! I'm sure I'll love anything you do with these guys, be it team fic or character fic or whatever you'd like!

Additional Notes: Okay, true confessions, I am really, really jonsing for the story about what happened in head-in-a-bottle!Xavier's world. Like, hardcore. Like, if I ever meet Greg Pak, I might shake him back and forth by his lapels and demand to know more. That's my number one regret in the book being cancelled. SO, if you are looking for a very specific prompt, THERE YOU GO.

However, if you DO NOT want a very specific prompt, I seriously love every single one of these people SO MUCH and would love more (happy) stories about them. I love the canon ships--Alison/Corporal Summers and Howlett/Herc--and I could get behind Sage/Alison. I also ship every incarnation of Professor X/Magneto, so if you wanted to heap some of that into head-in-a-bottle!Xavier's past, go for it XD

So, I think that's it! Again, let me reiterate that there is no need to stick to any particular scenario outlined here! Just...have fun and make something you like :)

Thanks ♥,

beyond panels, letters

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