i feel weird

Oct 18, 2013 12:59

I feel strange today. I was coughing a lot at night, so I took some cough syrup as soon as I woke up, along with my allergy pill and some Advil Cold and Sinus. I take all of these things individually on an empty stomach all the time, but something about the combination of them made me feel so sick this morning. I felt like I was going to heave for a good two hours before my stomach settled down and it passed.

Ever since, though, I've felt vaguely out of it and almost stoned. Again, this is not a strange combination of medicines for me--it's all OTC stuff that I've taken together in the past, and never to this end.

It's making it hard to concentrate on writing. It's making it hard to focus on anything. I feel vaguely stoned, the way I get when I've had medication that's stronger than OTC Delsym. Just very fuzzy and scattered and slow. I've got about an hour left of my work day, after which I have a meeting and then I'm leaving for a BBF event at Copley. I'm starting to consider skipping, just because I feel so weird (and tired--I didn't want to risk coffee after having so many stomach issues early in the morning), but it's Rebecca Stead and Kate DiCamillo and Lois Lowry, so.

Mostly I wish I could just force my brain to write.


I've been having a lot of problems writing lately. I'm sort of blaming getting sick--I feel like I was making decent progress on a bunch of things pretty regularly before I was forced to spend a week in bed. I've not been able to get it back. My brain just can't make words. I really, really wanted the married ghosthunters done by Halloween, but that's looking less and less likely as time goes by.

I started another random story this week as a distraction, but it's...really not very good and really not very well written, yet I feel weirdly compelled to finish it. I can't even focus on that right now, though.

I really should just write this afternoon off as a loss due to poor planning on my part, but...idk, I just want to finish something again :\

(I'm also crashing a little. I've noticed it the past week or so. This is a really bad time for an episode, brain, we're really busy until the start of November.)


Okay, I'm going to try one more time to write for a little bit before this meeting.

work: office girl, writing: is hard, boston book fest

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