being sick is terrible

Sep 28, 2013 22:48

Hi, internet.

I kept putting off posting because I wanted to do a con entry but I never got around to it and I felt like I couldn't post until I had made that post and, well, now September is over.

So, what's been going on? Um, a lot, actually. I'm not totally ready to post about most of it, actually, but I guess the biggest news is that I'm starting to craft an exit strategy from my job, which makes me feel better just knowing it exists, you know? But I still pretty much hate my job and going to work and stuff. Blah.

More immediately, um, I have pneumonia. Last Saturday, mcwonthelottery and I met barbed_whispers and metonymy for a really awful brunch and then a less awful visit to Hub and then a caravan trip to Ikea. I'd had a very slight cough since Thursday night, but I was feeling pretty good on Saturday morning. About halfway through our Ikea trip, I started to feel overstimulated and a little fuzzy. By the time we hit "downstairs," I was completely out of it, and by the time we were on the warehouse floor, I was barely standing upright. We'd gone with Lisa and Naomi because Lisa had a big car and we'd hoped to move our new sofa in it, but we couldn't even get it on the car and I couldn't even push a cart anymore, so we ended up deciding to have them deliver our furniture to the house.

We waited in line for...I honestly don't even know. I felt so badly at that point I don't know how I was standing. But we waited in line to pay and then we waited in line to set up our delivery and then I somehow drove us all the way home with only a little crying. I was burning up and miserable and somehow didn't kill us. Becca left me home and went to CVS to get me medicine and that is basically the last thing I remember for three or four days. I know I had a lot of times when I woke up drenched in sweat and still running a 103 degree fever. I was coughing a lot but I didn't think it was a lot a lot until Monday night, when I was so sick I couldn't keep down water and I was seriously afraid I'd need to go to the ED to get fluids.

I managed to drink about a nalgene full of water and Lisa was kind enough to drive me to Urgent Care on Tuesday morning, where there was thankfully no line and the doctor saw me very quickly. One chest x-ray later and he told me I had quite a sizable dark spot on my lung that meant pneumonia, and he gave me some prescriptions and sent me home.

I'm finally feeling....not mostly better, but passably better, I guess. The antibiotics make me feel gross, but I'm not coughing as much and my fever's gone and I'm going to work on Monday. But I'm still not great and the anxiety/depression isn't helping. I've been out for a week and I only had about 8 hrs of sick time, so they took four days away from my vacation time, which I had already allotted to my CA/PDX trip and my Christmas visit home. I'm pretty sure I did NOT have 32 hours to spare, so...well, I need to talk to my boss, but traditionally, she's not really flexible with our time off so...yes.

Also, missing a week of work (including a conference that was today that I had been on the planning committee for since the spring and at which I was supposed to speak) is not really good for the anxiety in general, so...yes. Physically, I'm better but not great, mentally I'm not great, everything is terrible, etc.


So...that's been my life, I guess. I've only really been up and about the last couple days and I still have no energy, probably because I'm not eating. I was writing for a little while before I got sick--I'd gotten one of those "everyone is better at everything than me, why do I bother?" blocks where even though I WANT to write, the words are stuck, but I'd sort of gotten through it by writing stupid shit in emails to pearl_o, but obviously I wasn't writing while I was unconscious. I didn't even open my laptop until Thursday afternoon. I wrote a couple sentences today and when I finish this, I'm going to try and attack them again.

Also, let me just say, we have really, really great friends. mcwonthelottery took care of me while I was sick and delirious, despite not feeling great herself. barbed_whispers, on her last day before leaving the state for work stuff/part 2 of her move, drove me to urgent care, waited for me, and drove me to the pharmacy after. everaidenn bought us soup and vitamin water and crackers and jammie dodgers. bessiemaemucho sent us soup and coloring books. Like...seriously, we won the friend lottery. For a bunch of jerks, you guys are pretty good to me ♥

Um, secret_mutant sign-ups are open? I don't know, honestly, I can't really remember what life was like between con and being sick, so...maybe a better update once I'm feeling a little better.

I hope you're all well!

sick, rl blathering, work: office girl, friends

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