come on i'm dean and my hands are so clean...

Apr 30, 2013 14:36

Hello, internet. It is SPRING. I know because today we had a PICNIC.

We have decided the sheet is going to stay under my desk for future picnicking. We're moving offices in about a month and our new building is in the middle of nowhere (it's a ten minute walk from the T and on the map of local restaurants, our office is literally in the big blank spot on the side of the map) and certainly not somewhere with grass, so we need to soak it all up while we can.


Work is slow. Also, I stayed up last night to read a fic (and live-tweet it to pearl_o) and thus saw when a link to Bomb Girls went up and thus DLed it and thus stayed up to 1am to watch it and thus gave myself a terrible headache crying and couldn't sleep until almost three and now I'm at work and it's terrible.

I can't really concentrate on words, but I'm going to finish up this email to Erica and then give it another go. It would be nice to finish my first Remix story this week.


If you are looking for some low-pressure writing stuff with a focus on AWESOME LADIES, check out The Female Character Trope Fest, now in its third incarnation, hosted by the ever wonderful such_heights! This year it's open to gen and m/f prompts as well, as long as the focus stays on the ladies. The general idea is to take all those tropes/cliches/kinks that we use most frequently in slashfic and instead use them in lady-centric stories. TONS OF FUN. LADIES ARE GREAT :D :D :D


How are you, internet? Do you miss writing chat? Do you want to do another writing chat? Should I do a writing chat poll?

margaret, pimping, work: office girl, kyleigh, bomb girls

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