bomb girls 2x07

Mar 26, 2013 20:25

Hello, internet. I am..........really sad about not being good at writing right now. :(


Bomb Giiiiiiiirls ♥ ♥ ♥

I am SO HAPPY to see everyone's faces. Lorna OWNED this episode. Everything from her seducing the telephone dude to the breakdown over her son to talking to Betty to the phone call was PERFECT. Oh, Lorna.

Vera continues to own everyone and be perfect. I reeeeaaaaaallllly want her and Marco to just stay bros, though I'm afraid the show won't keep them there. And I know the world keeps shitting on Marco, but I don't want him to become "bad," as it were. :(

I'm glad Gladys was able to grieve and move on (or at least start the process) and I was surprised to find her mother almost likeable in this episode.

Any goodwill to Carol was lost after her potshot at Vera at the end there.

And, okay, here's the main thing: I AM SO PUMPED BETTY IS GETTING SOME ACTION. Like, the lady definitely deserves it. And I love Teresa and I think she's great and I love that she seems to understand that Betty's not really had a lot of time to be herself in her life and I love that they're getting makeouts, buuuutttttt I still want Kate/Betty endgame? Like, a lot? And I know Kate has a boatload of issues to work through first, but I really, really hope we get some development on that front soon. I would really like for it to be actually dealt with and not a season finale cliffhanger tactic like, "OH! KATE KISSES BETTY! BETTY IS SHOCKED! KATE RUNS AWAY! WHAT IS GOING ON??" then fade to black and cross your fingers that we get a season three. I know it's television, but...I'd really like Kate to unfurl a little more and for us to get some Betty/Kate smooches without tons and tons more drama?

Probably too much to ask.

But, basically, I continue to love all of them intensely. I want to hold them all and lovingly pet their hair. And, oh my god, I also want an AU where there's a detective agency, holy shit.

OKAY, SO. I feel like Betty makes the most sense as a detective? But Vera and Gladys inspired it. So...idk, Vera and Gladys get the idea, and end up dragging Betty into it too. Maybe this is period and Betty wants to be a cop, but even with most the dudes at war, they only let her deal with silly ~*domestic crimes*~ and not the stuff she wants to do. They keep wheedling at her, mostly because they know that while the two of them are pretty good at snooping and putting the pieces together, they lack a certain subtlety that Betty has in droves. But Betty can't be swayed..........until Kate's case falls into Vera and Gladys' hands.

Kate's afraid to go to the police because she thinks her father...idk, killed someone? Or something. And she knows the police will side with her dad. She hears word on the street that Gladys and Vera are always willing to help, even if you can't exactly pay (Gladys' money comes in handy!), so she seeks them out. (Maybe Lorna is a begrudging go-between? She works somewhere that she stumbles across these people in trouble and pushes them Vera and Gladys' way, even though she doesn't condone what they're doing? Or Marco. That sounds like a job for Marco.)

So, Gladys and Vera ask to meet with Betty to get her to look into some things for them and Betty sees Kate, all skittish and scared, and ~*immediately falls in love*~ and suddenly is way more interested in helping them than usual.

It would be AMAZING. The end.

bomb girls, fic i'm totally not writing

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