internet internet internet

Feb 23, 2013 23:43

Hello, internet. How are you?

I've been...busy, I guess. Busy hating my job? And applying for other jobs. And...updating my phone. I guess I haven't really been that busy. Today Becca and I went to brunch at The Independent. As she said while we were eating, we're super lucky it took us three years to discover The Independent, because we'd have moved in there, otherwise.

Let's see...mostly we've been watching television I guess. We went through all of Elementary which (unpopular opinion alert) didn't totally thrill me? It wasn't bad, it just didn't really stand out from any other procerdurals for me. Everyone kept talking about how great the characters and their relationship are but...I still feel like I don't actually know anything about Joan. But Lucy Liu has a good face and Slob!Holmes is the kind of lunatic man child on speed that amuses me, so there's that?

We made up a much better version, though, stemming entirely from two things:
1) When Holmes can't tell the difference between an insulin pump and a pager
2) This door that was oddly tall and oddly wide, so Holmes looked like he shrunk when he stood next to it

Thus was born Shershrunk Holmes, which stars a tiny version of Sherlock that Lucy Liu like...picks up and puts in her purse and stuff and it's great.

mcwonthelottery: I would watch that show. Let's write the Sherlock Holmes where's tiny. Not a little person, just shrunk. It was a lab accident. And the drugs.....and the insulin.

Then we decided that Peter Dinklage as Sherlock would also be awesome. Then we decided that it should just be Lucy Liu and Peter Dinklage being bros while Shershrunk keeps running up to them with appliances he thinks are pagers.

(Also, basically any time anyone picks something up and states what it is, we correct that it's a pager or an insulin pump.)

ANYWAY, we also watched the latest Black Mirror, which was fucked upper than usual, possibly.

We're also up to date on Community and haven't been super impressed with this season :\


So, I haven't been watching this season because before we got the Devil's Blu-Ray Player, I couldn't be bothered to watch on Hulu. But today we watched a bunch of episodes including the wedding and I just...completely lost my shit.

It was so perfect. IT WAS SO PERFECTLY BEN AND LESLIE. Like, every single thing that happened, the way everyone chipped in, everything was amazing. I started tearing up at Ron's "speech" in the hallway and then full on sobbed once the doors opened and Champion limped down the aisle. While sobbing, I also laughed hysterically because it managed to simultaneously be hilarious and perfectly beautiful. I was literally sitting here gross sobbing, with tears and snot and saliva everywhere, unable to breathe, with Becca laughing at me because I'm sure it was hysterical to watch. I laughcried all through the episode and then for a few minutes after.

It was seriously perfect. I don't even have anything else to say. Oh my god.


So, this has been an entire update about teevee. Sorry about that. I don't want to talk about work because it makes me frowny face. Or really anything else. So...back to writing The Fanfictions. Tomorrow, pearl_O and I are going to livechat XMFC together, so that will be fun.

I should go to bed.

parks and rec, teevee, cardigan central, community

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