i decided on the bus that april smith is my unrequited valentine

Feb 14, 2013 09:47

Happy Valentine's Day, internet! :D

I do love Valentine's Day! Not that I ever need an excuse to tell people I think they're great, but sometimes I need a reminder. I know a lot of people have different issues and feelings about this holiday from "it's made up and I don't care a whit about it" to crazy over enthusiasm to all sorts of other personal issues, and that's fine. I am in no way advocating that every person on the internet take my stance on it.

But I love it, and please allow me to tell you you're great today. In fact, if you need someone to tell you you're great, comment and I will tell you how great you are ♥

So, first off, here is a valentine for you, internet:

I know it's the same valentine I give you every year, but that's because it's great. If you want to see different ones, I'm reblogging fandom valentine's every half hour over on Tumblr.

Secondly, here are the Galentine's Day cards I made for some of my gals yesterday!

For mcwonthelottery

For pearl_o

For harmonyangel

For metonymy

For Kyleigh

For littledust

For bessiemaemucho

For chiasmus

(I also made one for brilligspoons but it was basically this valentine but also covered in cat stickers.)

(Also, I had like...super, debilitating guilt last night that I ONLY MADE THEM FOR SOME PEOPLE and WHAT IF THE REST OF THE INTERNET THINKS I HATE THEM BECAUSE I DIDN'T MAKE THEM A GALENTINE'S DAY CARD and I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON NOT WORTHY OF ANYONE'S FRIENDSHIP WHY DIDN'T I THINK THIS THROUGH? Which is...silly. It's silly. I made these people cards because these are the people that I see in person all the time, for the most part. It doesn't mean I value them above anyone else. I made them because it started as an idea for Naomi and Becca since we were spending Valentine's Day together, then I thought I should do one for Margaret and Kyleigh, then I started thinking about brunch and decided to loop in the people I have brunch with regularly. I like you, internet, I swear, even if I didn't make you a card. There were just a limited amount of hours in the day and if I stayed up all night making 200 cards it would have stopped being fun.)


ANYWAY, THAT ASIDE, normally I do a fic meme on Valentine's Day, but I'm kind of swamped, so I'm going to skip that. But if YOU want to write Valentine's Day ficlets about your OTP frolicking or hating on the holiday together, my comments always welcome things like that ;D

margaret, work: office girl, v-day, renata, friends, erica!, naomi needs a tag, cardigan central, jen is awesome!, lindsay needs a tag, kelsey gets a tag now

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