Good morning, internet.
Boston is about to get walloped with a million inches of snow. If you never hear from us again, it's because we killed Upstairs and then turned on each other.
I am treading water, which is all I can ask for right now. It's hardest early in the morning and once the sun goes down.
I'm sure there are things I'm supposed to be doing today, but I have pre-blizzard wiggles and can't concentrate. (I basically have pre-quitting time wiggles every day, so I shouldn't really blame this aimlessness on the blizzard, though I'm doing it anyway.) I asked if anyone wanted to do a fic meme on Twitter and the response was silence, so I'm doing this other meme instead in an attempt to keep from keeling over.
How this works: Comment with your favorite color and I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better. Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
1. What is your favorite area of NJ and why?
Probably Parsippany. I'm sure that's boring to say, but it's true. All of my favorite places are there! It is convenient to get to all of my favorite places that AREN'T there! The world's best bagel place is there! There was good pizza back when I could eat it, and all my favorite restaurants!
2. If head-in-a-jar!Xavier made you king of the dinosaurs, what would your first five edicts be?
I CAN'T EVEN DECIDE WHAT HEAD-IN-A-JAR!XAVIER'S EDICTS WOULD BE. Ugh, I really want to write that fic still. Okay. Um. Mostly I think I would be a pretty terrible ruler of a society, so my edicts would be like, "No one is allowed to eat me" and "I'm allowed to hitch a ride with any dinosaurs whenever I want" and maybe I would make them act out some Dinosaur Comics.
(I really want to write a fic about head-in-a-jar!Xavier somehow defeating Dinosaur!Xavier in order to win that title. I'm still trying to figure out how it would happen.)
3. What is your least favorite TV show of all time and why?
I...don't know? I try not to linger on teevee shows I don't like. If I don't like something, I...wouldn't watch it enough to build up enough vitriol to declare it my Least Favorite Ever.
4. If you could only watch one horror movie franchise ever for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
Franchise? Hm. I think the Ringu movies, maybe?
5. What TV show universe would you want to live in?
This is a hard question because a lot of the joy I derive from teevee shows is from the characters. And, living in a particular universe wouldn't necessarily mean I'd get to interact with those people. SG wouldn't be much different from here unless I was working for the SGC, for example. So, looking at the larger universes of shows I'm into, I think I'd have to go with Futurama. Because even though I'm sure most of their universe is as mundane to them as ours is to us, there are more conveniences and also robots and space.
Welp, that killed some time. Maybe I should go eat lunch and buy some actualfax lotion from CVS.
Happy October 19th, internet!